Wild Asparagus: Ideal For Weight Loss

Of all the types of asparagus that we can find, wild asparagus is among the healthiest. They are wild, have a slightly bitter taste and have diuretic properties.

They usually grow in the sunniest countries, and in fact, as a curious fact, we will tell you that the oldest recipe that we have today is a recipe book in Latin called “De re codamientos” (about cooking) where we explain an exquisite way of cooking wild asparagus.

Dish with wild asparagus and hard-boiled egg.

Appreciated by the Egyptians since ancient times, they are such a complete, healthy and low-fat food that they are very often included in weight loss diets. Today in our space we want to talk to you about wild asparagus. Have you tried them yet?

The benefits of wild asparagus

Many of us are used to those white, fibrous and sweet white asparagus. In the case of wild asparagus, it can be said that they are a little firmer, juicy and with a slightly more intense flavor. They are delicious and can add a number of beneficial nutrients to our diet.

1. Very suitable in weight loss diets


Wild asparagus are that type of vegetable so often used when it comes to losing those extra kilos. They only contain  18 calories per 100 grams. Interesting right? And they are also very satisfying. This is due to its fiber content, a substance that has been shown to reduce appetite.

  • They promote the blood supply to the kidneys, thus increasing the filtration of toxins and waste elements through the urine.
    • It helps us to avoid the accumulation of liquids, allowing the mineral readjustment in the body. Wild asparagus – and all varieties in general – are a much better option than artificial diuretics.
    • The aspartic acid contained in asparagus can also help us regulate and eliminate excess fat cells from the body.
    • It promotes circulation in the body and can help to rehydrate the tissues.

    2. They are healthy for the whole family

    Wild asparagus are very rich in all kinds of nutrients, but especially minerals:

    • Potassium
    • Match
    • Protein
    • Magnesium
    • Vitamins B
    • Vitamin E, C and K
    • Folic acid
    • Copper
    • Manganese
    • Iron
    • Selenium
    • Zinc
    • Fiber

    All this will not only help us to obtain adequate energy and healthy nutrition, but also, the skin, bones, heart and even brain health, will benefit if we consume them on a regular basis. For example, potassium is capable of regulating blood pressure, reducing the risk of accidents in this system. This is stated in a study published in the International Journal of Cardiology.

    Now, many of these vitamins are usually lost during cooking, although that is something that we cannot avoid because it is not always easy to consume them in their natural state.

    And remember … They are very suitable for the whole family!

    Light recipes to lose weight with wild asparagus


    With this dish you will obtain a significant contribution of proteins, in addition to the benefits mentioned generated by the asparagus themselves. Keep in mind that there is evidence that protein intake is essential to maintain a healthy lean mass.


    • A turkey breast.
    • 1 leek
    • 4 cloves of garlic
    • 4 wild asparagus.
    • 30 grams of almonds.
    • Fresh thyme
    • Freshly ground black pepper
    • The juice of half a lemon.
    • Extra virgin olive oil.


    • We will start by washing the asparagus well. Do the same with the leek, peel it and cut it into pieces about a centimeter.
    • Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices.
    • Once peeled, heat a pan with a little extra virgin olive oil, and add the brisket to brown. Try not to get too dry.
    • Before finishing, add freshly ground black pepper on both sides and add some garlic sticks to offer their aroma to the chicken. Reservation.
    • On the other hand, in another pan, we are going to prepare our wild asparagus. Add olive oil, leeks, asparagus, thyme and a little pepper. Let them take a golden color.
    • As soon as the vegetation water has evaporated, add the almonds and garlic to brown as well. You will see how the garlic will provide its rich flavor and the almonds will be crunchy.
    • We place: base the asparagus and leeks, then the breast of payment and finally, the garlic and almonds. Lastly, sprinkle them all with a little lemon juice.

      Great for a dinner!


      By combining different vegetables you will get a much more complete nutritional contribution.


      • 3 wild asparagus.
      • 1 boiled egg.
      • 100 g of spinach.
      • 50 g of arugula.
      • Half pomegranate.
      • A handful of pine nuts.
      • A handful of raisins.
      • Olive oil.
      • Balsamic vinegar.
      • Salt.


      • First of all we will start by cleaning the asparagus well and cutting them into small pieces. Afterwards, we boil a saucepan with water where we will add them along with a little salt. Then let them cook a little, just 5 minutes and it will help preserve their properties.
      • Next, we brown them briefly on the grill with a little olive oil. A few minutes will suffice, then reserve them.
      • Now we will complete our salad bowl: first  add the spinach and the well cleaned arugula, shell that half pomegranate and include that cooked egg cut into sheets.
      • Finally, add the wild asparagus along with the pine nuts and raisins, and season to taste with the olive oil and Modena vinegar. It is delicious!

        Include wild asparagus in your diet

        As you can see, asparagus are foods capable of providing beneficial nutrients for the body. For this reason we recommend that you include them in the context of a healthy diet. This way you will get the most out of them.

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