When The Problem Is The Solution

Have you ever thought about whether the solution to your problems was found in the same problem? It may be unheard of, but it is.

Imagine that you are going through a time when you have had multiple anxiety attacks. You don’t know their motive; in fact, you find yourself puzzled.

The fact of not being able to access what may be causing this reaction prevents us from reaching its resolution. Or are we looking where we shouldn’t?

When a problem like this addresses us, we try to find the solution in yoga, pills, relaxing infusions and other types of methods that do not work for us.

That’s because your goal is not to listen to what your anxiety has to say, but to run away from it.

The problem is your solution

Stress, depression, anguish … None of this has created a discomfort for you just because. This setback arises because there are things in you that you have to solve. Let’s take an example.

Let’s imagine that since you had your first partner, you have never been alone again. All relationships have been stormy and you have ended them in a very painful way.

Now, you find yourself immersed in one in which you do not know if it is your partner or just a friendship …

This has generated you a certain obsession to control the other person, which causes you to feel bad all the time, to suffer from anxiety. Don’t you see where the solution is?

To begin with, there is a communication problem, since no one decides to talk about the type of relationship you have. You haven’t spent time alone either. Are you an emotional dependent?


Your anxiety could be alerting you to one of the great evils of our time: the great fear of loneliness.

There is your solution, right in the middle of the dilemma.

Facing setbacks costs

Looking in the face of everything that is making us feel horribly wrong is difficult. It’s not that we don’t want to end all this, it’s that we’re scared.

An atrocious panic to discover ourselves, to deal with a situation that we may have unleashed ourselves. Sometimes we are even afraid of our own fear.

Hearing experiences similar to yours can guide you, but it won’t be the best remedy. Each one of us is different and we must find the solution that best suits us, the one we need.

Do you want some advice? Never repress what you feel. This will only cause what affects you to get bigger and bigger.

Although the worst is not this. Maybe, when the time comes, the problem will fossilize until it is already part of you.

You will not be happy, you will not advance either. You will be caught in your own obstacle.

Thoughts, today I release you

Like feelings, our thoughts can lead us down the path of bitterness. These can spin like a great whirlwind of ideas in our head that will end up making us despair.

The first impulse that we usually have when our minds begin to rotate reflections, judgments and reasoning without stopping is to stop them.

Unfortunately, it is not like stopping walking. As much as we try to distract ourselves or occupy our minds with other things, we will not be able to. Our thinking is powerful.

Ignoring this whirlwind of ideas will cause us to reinforce them, that the next one comes with much more force. It has been a counterproductive method.

The solution lies in letting them go free, not in any way, but by observing them.


Look closely at each of them. Analyze them, allow them to express themselves freely, give them a voice if necessary and accept the emotions they provoke in you.

Do you notice that the problem is getting smaller? Do you notice how you get stronger?

You have tried to control it, repress it, solve it without success … Now you know that,  to solve something, you have to release it and contemplate it.

This is a very recurrent technique in mindfulness , which allows you to act effectively in situations like this.

Problems do not arise to haunt you, but to solve what is making you unhappy, which is forcing you to go back instead of forward.

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