When Is It Advisable To Take Iron Supplements?

Iron supplements are ideal to accompany the diet in people who do not meet the needs of this mineral with the diet. But who are the ones who can take them and really need them? Can they always be prescribed and consumed?

Iron is essential for the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Therefore, if the adequate amounts are not provided, some complications may develop in the body. We will tell you more below.

What causes iron deficiency?

When iron levels fall in the blood there is difficulty in transporting oxygen to the tissues. For this reason, symptoms such as weakness, tiredness, headache, paleness and coldness in hands and feet appear. Specifically, all these manifestations can indicate the presence of anemia.

As a consequence of the deficit, it can be noted that the body’s work capacity and motor activity decrease. In addition, alterations of the immune system occur and the risk of getting sick increases. Also, low levels of this mineral affect the lack of mobilization of vitamin A in the liver.

Iron foods.

When to take iron supplements?

Fortunately, iron supplements are helpful in preventing these complications or in treating them once they have set in. They are used to accompany the diet and thus obtain better results.

According to various investigations, there are population groups that have increased requirements for the mineral. This can be the consequence of a poor diet or of stages of human development that tend to be associated with anemia. We tell you more about these situations.

Pregnant women

During pregnancy, women need more iron for themselves and their babies. If iron deficiency is marked in pregnancy, it increases the risk of anemia and, in turn, that the child has low birth weight, is born prematurely or suffers from an early deficiency of red blood cells.

In relation to this, the World Health Organization states that more than 40% of pregnant women in the world suffer from anemia. Thus, half of this population suffers from iron deficiency.

Therefore, pregnant women and breastfeeding women should consult with their medical professional which is the ideal supplement to prevent this problem. Sometimes drops are indicated and, other times, tablets. In severe cases, injectables may be required, especially if the pregnant woman is going through stages of uncontrollable vomiting.

Babies and children up to 2 years

Iron deficiency can cause delays in psychological development, social isolation, and decreased ability in children to pay attention. Likewise, full-term babies can develop deficiency if they do not introduce adequate amounts of foods containing this mineral.

Women of reproductive age and adolescents

Some women of reproductive age are prone to being deficient in this nutrient. In general, this is because they have heavy menstrual bleeding, so iron loss is expected to be greater than in other people.

In addition, adolescents have increased requirements due to being in a developmental situation, which is aggravated if they have intense periods. Metrorrhagia in young women who start their menstrual periods is a common cause of anemia.

Regular blood donors

Those who donate blood routinely are prone to iron deficiencies. In these cases, it can be prevented by respecting an optimal period of time to donate again.

Anemia due to chronic disease

According to several studies, there are chronic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, gastrointestinal disorders, and certain types of cancer, that can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb and use iron. For this reason, people who have these pathologies suffer from a frequent deficit.

What to keep in mind about the use of iron supplements?

Iron supplements can be taken in capsule, tablet, chewable, and liquid form. The most common is ferrous sulfate, but there are other chemical forms such as gluconate and fumarate.

An important aspect about using them is that they are better absorbed on an empty stomach. However, ingestion can cause stomach cramps, nausea or diarrhea. To avoid these problems, they can be accompanied with a minimum amount of food.

Also, calcium and antacids interfere with its absorption, so it is advisable to wait at least two hours to ingest milk, cheese, raw vegetables, caffeine or other drugs. On the contrary, foods that contain vitamin C, such as citrus or kiwi, can be beneficial for absorbing iron with greater capacity.

To be sure if there is a deficiency, it is advisable to perform routine blood tests. This method determines your exact red blood cell and hemoglobin values. If necessary, there is also the possibility of measuring the concentrations of iron in the blood and its transporter proteins.

Iron supplement.

Is it advisable to take iron supplements?

Although these drugs are an effective strategy to increase body reserves, their use is not recommended for everyone. In relation to this, keep in mind that the intake of any substance not indicated by the doctor is contraindicated, since excesses also lead to complications.

Consider that, in addition, you should follow a diet that contains foods where this nutrient is present in considerable amounts. Supplements are not magic nor do they represent the only strategy against anemia. Similarly, the decrease in red blood cells is not always caused by a lack of iron.

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