What To Do When Your Partner Wants To Break Up But You Don’t

A breakup is a process that requires saying goodbye, accepting emotions, and changing your mind. Sometimes we wouldn’t like it, but it happens. We explain what you must do to continue.

It is difficult to accept and assume that your partner wants to end the relationship when you still love them. There are several reasons why this can happen: you no longer feel the same, you like another person, you want to take another path …

Maybe you didn’t expect it. You may not be seeing the problems that were there (or you didn’t want to see them). It is even possible that your partner had told you that he had other motivations, but you were not listening carefully. Now, you don’t need to blame yourself for it either.

When your partner wants to break up, but you don’t, it’s important to keep a few important things in mind. Let’s go deeper.

What to do if your partner wants to break up and you don’t

Putting an end to a relationship is not usually easy: there are many moments lived and many memories that have been formed from it, but it is possible. You just need to keep in mind that getting over a breakup is a process that requires time and a lot of emotional work.

For this reason, below we provide you with some tips that you must take into account to emerge stronger from this situation.

Woman crying

1. Don’t beg for a second chance

The worst thing that can happen if you beg for a second chance is for your partner to say ” yes. Why? Because, sooner or later, that relationship will be in the same situation as it is now. It is not a step forward, it is a step back.

Of course, you need to ask for explanations and they give them to you. This will leave you more calm: you will have a reason that explains the cause of the breakup. However,  this should not lead to pleading not to be left.

As hard and difficult as it may sound, you need to accept that your partner wants to end the relationship. It’s going to hurt, a lot. However, you cannot try to manipulate the other person to continue a forced relationship.

2. Zero contact in all cases

Surely if your partner wants to break up and you don’t , you do n’t consider zero contact under any circumstances. The truth is that a distance is necessary to assimilate the break. Nobody is made of stone and, as we have said, breaks are not easy.

Therefore, in case your partner wants to break up and you don’t, stopping contact is essential. Thus, you will avoid begging her for a second chance, possible rejections and that it hurts even more to see her enjoying herself with her friends.

You need to give yourself the time you need to close this chapter, even if you are having a hard time doing it. When you’ve healed, you can get back in touch if you want to.

3. Take refuge in your loved ones and seek help if you need it

Surround yourself with your family and friends during this time. You will feel supported and supported and it will be much easier to go through the pothole. In the same way, do not hesitate to go to therapy if you feel that you need it.

It seems that a couple breakup is not something so important as to go to a psychologist. However, from here we advise you that if the idea goes through your head, you go to a therapist. The reason is that it will give you tools so that this path is not so hard.

A psychologist will be a fundamental support that will help you grow with this experience and will allow you to make sure that the page has not been half turned.

In addition, a specialist can help you not to get hooked, to overcome emotional dependence in the event that you suffer from it and to be aware that there is life beyond the relationship. Something that, sometimes, is hard to see.

Woman at the psychologist

Be the owner of your time

When your partner wants to break up, you may not want it because you’ve been together for so many years that you don’t know what to do with your time. Suddenly, you see yourself alone, without plans, without a future … However, reflect on all the goals that you have left along the way.

Did you want to do bungee jumping? Did you want to travel to Australia? Has your dream always been to study again? If nothing prevents you and what made it difficult was a relationship, now you have no excuse!

Think about all those dreams that you put aside for being in a relationship and that now you can achieve because there is no one to prevent you. Perhaps, your breakup is not a door that closes, but a window that opens.

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