What Is The Healthiest Cheese For Our Body?

The general principle when choosing a quality cheese is to know the company that makes it. The healthiest cheeses are considered fresh and ricotta.

Cheese is a food that has important nutritional properties. It is a source of protein of high biological value. It also provides calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A and D. Its components make it especially favorable for the development of bones and teeth. Do you want to know what is the healthiest type of cheese?

Due to the risks involved in its manufacturing process, the cheese must be of good quality. Products made without basic hygiene conditions expose the consumer to diseases.

The general principle when choosing the healthiest cheese is to know the company that makes it. This will ensure good manufacturing conditions, which are the starting point for quality.

In the same way, if we suffer from any type of cardiovascular problem, it is recommended that we consult our doctor first.

Types of cheese

Cheese will be healthier or less healthy depending on the health status of the person who consumes it. Conditions such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, intestinal or liver problems, influence the effect of its consumption. However, recent research, such as that developed in this study by the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, affirms that this could be false or have other nuances.

Some good quality cheeses that are very healthy for some people are not for others. Especially if the latter suffer from intolerance to any of its components.

In view of this, it is important to know the types of cheeses as a starting point to choose the ideal dairy product for your body, and therefore, for our recipe:

Fresh cheese


It is made through a process of curdling and dehydration of milk. It does not require ripening or parking. It is essential to keep it in the refrigerator at 3 or 4 degrees Celsius. This group includes: mozzarella, pressed, ground white cheese, cottage and feta. It is a cheese that is ready for consumption as soon as the manufacturing process is finished. Thus, it is often considered the healthiest cheese.

Matured cheese

This type of cheese  after being manufactured requires being kept at temperature and conditions capable of causing physical and chemical changes that are its own. It is characterized by its intense aroma and strong flavor. Among the most popular are cheddar, gouda, Monterey Jack, emmental, parmesan, and edam. They are high in fat, a fact that must be taken into account at the time of consumption.

Blue cheese

Blue cheese

It is characterized by a high presence of molds, which give it an intense flavor and aroma, with an acid touch. They require humid environments, which favor the proliferation of molds. Among the most famous are: the roquefort, and the gongonzola.

Creamy cheese

Cream cheese has a high amount of cream, fat, compared to fresh cheese. Its texture is very creamy. They are generally used to spread, so they are presented in appropriate containers for this purpose. The most famous are the Camembert and the Philadelphia.

Processed cheese

Processed cheese

It is made from two or more cheeses that are melted.   In its processing those microorganisms that give flavor to natural cheeses are eliminated, which is why it is somewhat bland on the palate.

This lack of flavor is usually compensated by the addition of salt.  It is easily cut into slices using machines, making it an ideal cheese for snacks and sandwiches. People affected by high blood pressure should forget to consume processed cheeses.

Ricotta cheese

Ricotta is made from cow’s milk whey. In addition, it has a firm and slightly grainy texture. It contains half the salt of cottage cheese, twice the calcium and zinc and four times more vitamin A. It is frequently used as an ingredient in processed foods, such as fillings and desserts.

How to choose the healthiest cheese?

The healthiest types of cheese

Those that contain the most fat and calories are Parmesan cheese, provolone and camembert. Those that contribute less cholesterol are the cottage and the mozzarella; they are low in calories.

The latter are, together with fresh and ricotta, those that are recommended as the healthiest cheeses for daily consumption, as they are reduced in fat, calories and salt. They preserve the vitamins and minerals that they contain naturally.

Key to including cheese in the diet

Cheese is traditionally an ingredient that people are used to. It is almost impossible to think of doing without this food for those who have consumed it throughout their lives.

It is not necessary to stop eating cheese. The key is to integrate the healthiest according to some principles that will allow to keep this food on the table, thus avoiding harming our health.

  • For adults, the recommendation is to eat a maximum of 30 grams a day.
  • Choose cheeses that are low in fat and salt. Today the dairy industry sells cheeses with lower percentages of fat and sodium.

The healthiest cheeses are considered fresh and ricotta cheese.

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