What Happens After Overcoming Emotional Dependency

If you have been in a relationship that you could not break even though it made you unhappy, if you have managed to tear the bonds that bound you to a person, what happens after you overcome emotional dependence?

What happens is that you free yourself, although that release can attract all your fears. The uncertainty will subdue you, will make you want to go back. However, you have taken such an important step that the choice is now in your hands.

After overcoming emotional dependency, can I fall back into it?

take care of oneself

After overcoming emotional dependence, you can fall back into it. You have understood the steps that led you to depend on your previous partner, but it may be that a new one, with other characteristics, will once again turn you into a blind person.

That is why it is important that, after overcoming emotional dependence, we give ourselves the time we need to take care of ourselves.

Indeed, we have to learn to embrace loneliness, to be alone and understand that we can be happy without being in a relationship. Thus, when it appears, we will not feel the need to bind ourselves to it, but to love it freely as we have never done.

It is a new territory, unexplored and in which we will surely continue to make mistakes. We had never loved someone without depending. However, we have to keep our eyes wide open.

Without realizing it, we may bring back those old patterns of behavior into our lives where jealousy, possession, the anxiety of losing a loved one, guilt and abandoning ourselves body and soul for the other were present.

We have to be fully aware that we must take care of ourselves, even if we share our life with another person. We are a team, but each of us are individual members. Our happiness does not have to depend on the other. That is why we have to be able to say “I am happy with you, but I can also be happy without you.”

Learn the lesson by letting go

couple saying goodbye

After overcoming emotional dependence, we may feel doubts and fears, but perhaps we have learned the lesson so well that we are sure not to make that same mistake again.

It is then that we allow ourselves to enjoy life like never before. We got up, we went out, we met our friends …  At no time did we notice the lack of a partner.

The feeling is wonderful, our self-esteem is at its proper levels. We savor life, there is no anxiety or worry about someone noticing us …

Now we give ourselves the permission and the time for someone to really like us, to be able to choose them ourselves and not to be afraid to say “goodbye” if at the beginning of meeting them we don’t like how things are going.

After overcoming emotional dependence,  we learn to stop pleasing others, to please ourselves. But above all, we abandon the old belief that you have to have a partner if you want to be happy.

A world full of possibilities

A world full of possibilities

You may think, at this point, that you are so well without a partner and with your freedom that it is going to cost you a lot to find someone with whom you want to share your life. It’s natural. You have long lived on the extreme of dependency. You have completely abandoned yourself to relationships that destroyed you, because you believed that you were nobody without the other person.

However, now that you realize that you are everything by yourself, that you even consider yourself “demanding” for relationships, you think that with this attitude it is impossible for you to find someone like you. Don’t allow these thoughts to become obsessive. Indeed, just as you thought you would never be able to overcome emotional dependence and here you are, not everything you think is true.

The person who makes you vibrate will arrive. The one that you will like to hold by the hand without holding on, with which you will want to share your life without it being your reason to stay alive.

Because, after overcoming emotional dependency, nothing will ever be the same. Even if you fall back into old patterns of behavior, now you are much more aware. Thus, you will know how to redirect your life again.

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