What Can Cause Blurred Vision And How To Treat It?

In this article we review what can cause blurred vision. Have you suffered from this problem suddenly or too often?

Find out what it may be due to, as well as how to treat this eye condition. Keep reading!

What can cause blurred vision?

Blurred vision is defined as the loss of visual acuity. This makes objects appear out of focus and opaque. What can cause blurred vision? There are multiple reasons for this problem to arise.

First of all, there are several types of blurred vision. Sometimes it only occurs in one eye and not both. It can also be temporary or permanent blurred vision. In each case, the cause is different and, therefore, the treatment as well.

Not to be confused with cloudy vision. In the latter the objects appear covered by a milky blanket and darken.

In the first, however, what there is is a blur and sometimes it seems as if the objects dance in front of the view. Let’s take a closer look at what can cause blurred vision.

What Can Cause Transient Sudden Blurred Vision?

Transient sudden blurred vision is a common problem , rarely serious. In this case, visual acuity is temporarily lost. It implies a difficulty to distinguish small details and contours, especially.

The most common causes of transient blurred vision are the following:

  • Chronic  dry eye or dry eye syndrome. This leads to discomfort in the eye, including blurred or fluctuating vision.
  • Pregnancy. Hormonal changes can cause changes in the thickness and shape of the cornea. This results in difficulties such as blurred vision.
  • Migraine. A common symptom of migraines is hypersensitivity to light and blurred vision.
  • After surgery. After refractive surgery, blurred vision is common for a few days.
  • Medications or eye drops. Some medicated eye drops cause blurred vision. This can also be a side effect of some medications.
    • Contact lenses. Wearing contact lenses for longer than directed causes these types of problems.

    What can cause blurred vision

    Vision problems that cause blurred vision

    The inability to focus on objects is sometimes constant. Faced with the question of what can cause blurred vision in this case, the answer is: usually refractive problems of the eye. Especially  astigmatism, myopia and hyperopia.

    In the case of astigmatism, there is an irregular curvature in the cornea. It is characterized by blurry vision at any distance. In myopia, on the other hand, there is only blurred vision of objects that are far away. In the case of hyperopia, of objects that are close.

    Another vision problem that causes blurred vision is presbyopia. In this there is a hardening of the lens, which generally takes place after 40 years. This decreases the eye’s ability to focus on objects.

    What can cause blurred vision

    Other diseases causing the problem

    Another answer to the question about what can cause blurred vision is: eye or other diseases of a more serious nature.

    The first of these are the falls. These occur when the lens loses its transparency and becomes totally opaque. The usual thing is that cataracts are associated with aging.

    Among the non-ocular diseases that give rise to blurred vision are the following:

    • Diabetes. This disease often causes blurred vision, because abnormal blood glucose values ​​affect the retina. Every diabetic person should visit the ophthalmologist on a regular basis.
    • Multiple sclerosis. It is a serious, degenerative and progressive autoimmune disease. One of its manifestations is vision problems, in particular, blurred vision.
      • Hypoglycemia. It is characterized by a drop in glucose levels in the blood and it usually leads to vision problems. Among them, excessive sensitivity to light, double vision or blurred vision.

      How to treat blurred vision

      To avoid problems with temporary sudden blurred vision, it is best to take breaks to relax your eyes  during the work day. The indicated thing is to carry out this every two hours. Find a place that allows you to look into the distance for a few seconds. Eye exercises are also advisable.

      As for blurred vision caused by refractive problems of the eye, in all three cases, the problem can be corrected with the use of glasses or contact lenses. Also, through refractive surgery, normal vision can be restored. This also applies to presbyopia.

      If the blurred vision is caused by chronic diseases, the only option is to maintain adequate control and monitoring of the mentioned diseases. This will limit its effects.

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