What Are Macronutrients? Everything You Need To Know

Macronutrients are what provide the body with most of the energy it needs to function and stay healthy. But you have to include them in the diet in a balanced way.

Do you know what macronutrients are and what are they for? There are two very important elements in the diet: micronutrients and macronutrients. The latter are those that are in a greater proportion. They perform very diverse functions within the body and are essential to guarantee life.

We are going to tell you what nutrients are within this group and the implications they have within the body.

What are macronutrients?

All the foods you eat are intended to provide energy and help your organs function properly. This is achieved through substances that you may require in minimal amounts or in large doses.

Macronutrients are those substances that you need in high amounts for good health. Explained in another way, they are those that supply most of the metabolic energy that the organism needs. S They are classified in these groups:

  • Sugars or carbohydrates (they provide 4 calories per gram).
  • Fats or lipids (they provide 4 calories per gram).
  • Proteins (they provide 9 calories per gram).

We’ll talk more about each of these macronutrients below. You will see that they are actually known, but it does not hurt to review a little about them.


Macronutrient foods

The carbohydrates are macronutrients that usually appear in the diet as much . This is because they are the easiest to metabolize and the ones that provide the greatest amount of efficient energy, used especially during sports practice.

Once they enter the body, they are converted to glucose and help you perform all functions and repair your organs. Of all, the ones that require the most carbohydrates are the heart, kidneys and brain.

The best sources for carbohydrates are whole grains, potatoes, yogurt, milk, fruits, seeds, etc. In addition, within carbohydrates there are two types :

  • Simple: they are the ones that have a sweet taste. The natural versions are the sugars that you find in fruits and that do not really cause health problems.
  • Complex: they  are the best you can consume and are found in foods with a “heavier” consistency such as potatoes.

Due to its importance, your diet should be based on a percentage of between 40% and 55% of carbohydrates per day. Some good options are:

  • Integral rice.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Mango.
  • Banana.

It is necessary to bear in mind that the consumption of simple carbohydrates must be limited so as not to cause health problems in the medium and long term. According to research published in  The Journal of Clinical Investigation,  consuming too much simple sugars can lead to metabolic diseases.


Foods with carbohydrates in the form of proteins

The second group of macronutrients are proteins, they  should constitute between 15% and 25% of the diet. These are vital for the body to build the most important structures: cells, hormones, and enzymes.

By consuming them you also get a total of 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential ones. This is important because these amino acids are not made naturally by the body. Protein also helps you repair and replace damaged or lost cells and muscle mass.

According to a study published in the journal  Nutrition Research,  ensuring an adequate protein intake reduces the risk of sarcopenia, a disease that causes a loss of muscle mass and is associated with an increased risk of death.

In case you are a vegetarian, you should make sure to consume enough plant foods that provide protein. Otherwise, eating a serving of good quality lean meats in your main meals will give you the protein you need. There are foods that are very rich in protein :

  • Chia.
  • Cheeses
  • Quinoa.
  • Fish.
  • Avocado.
  • Chicken without skin.
  • Lean cuts of beef and pork.


Foods to reduce wrinkles: olive oil, walnuts, salmon.

The last of the macronutrients that you should include in your diet on a regular basis are good quality fats. These should occupy 25-30% of your diet.

For many years it has been thought that fats are negative and that it is better to avoid them so as not to gain weight. However, this is only half true. The fats to avoid are those of poor quality, such as those found in fried or highly processed foods.

Instead, natural fats will help you take care of your health. This is what they will do in the body:

  • Maintain brain health.
  • Regulate body temperature.
  • Provide vitamins (A, E, D and K).
  • Produce, regenerate and maintain the cells of the body in correct condition.

When choosing the fats that you will consume, it is important that you opt for those of vegetable origin such as oils, seeds or fruits. Avoid animal fats, and if you choose a cut of meat with a lot of fat, eliminate it before cooking. It is also advisable to avoid commercial dressings. In addition to providing fat, they contain sweeteners and sodium in high amounts.

Among the best sources of fat are avocados, sunflower and chia seeds, extra virgin olive oil, and nuts, among other foods.

Improves the distribution of macronutrients in the diet to prevent disease

Macronutrients must be present in the food you make . In this way, you will ensure that you have a varied diet and that it really provides the body with what is required for its proper functioning.

Remember to combine a proper diet with regular physical exercise in order to improve your health and prevent diseases in the medium and long term.

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