Uses And Benefits Of Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide, better known as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), has many properties and benefits that can be used in the home in a moderate way.

It is very important to bear in mind that this type of product cannot be used in high quantities, since it can be unstable and even toxic. Knowing this, then you can take advantage of its properties, because hydrogen peroxide works, above all, as a disinfectant and antiseptic.

At home the use of hydrogen peroxide can be very useful and varied, this type of product is also used industrially and for beauty products related to hair.

11 uses and benefits of hydrogen peroxide

Taking into account that hydrogen peroxide has disinfectant, whitening and antiseptic properties, these are some of the uses that we can give it at home to take advantage of its benefits.

1. Clean wounds

At home, in schools and in many medical centers hydrogen peroxide is used to clean and disinfect small wounds. For these types of cases, the recommended formula only contains around 5% hydrogen peroxide or less.

In small lesions, a piece of cotton can be soaked in the solution and then gently applied to the affected area.

2. Clothes bleach

As an alternative to bleach, hydrogen peroxide can be used to bleach white clothes. Just add a cup of the solution to your soaked clothes. It is ideal for removing blood stains, since just by applying it directly to clothing, the stain will come out instantly.

3. Foot fungus

For frequent foot and nail fungus problems, it  is recommended to use a 50/50 dose of hydrogen peroxide and water. To use it, the feet should be soaked for several minutes at night and then dried very well.

4. For the mouth and gums

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most effective, inexpensive, and little-known mouthwashes. It is ideal for oral cleaning, but it should not be ingested at any time because it can cause internal irritations.

In addition to cleaning and disinfecting the mouth, it is ideal for treating gum inflammation and throat infections.  For this, it is recommended to use pure directly on the inflammation or mix it with 50% water and gargle for a few seconds avoiding passing the solution.

5. Teeth whitening

By using hydrogen peroxide as an alternative mouthwash, over time you may find that it also works as an effective teeth whitener.

6. Colonic irrigations

It is recommended to use 8 ounces of 3% hydrogen peroxide in 5 gallons of hot water, avoiding exceeding this amount.

7. Enemas

For an enema it is recommended to use a tablespoon of 3% water in a liter of hot distilled water.

8. Spots on the skin

Hydrogen peroxide is a great ally to remove spots on the skin.  Using it consistently can give results in just two weeks. For this, it is recommended to apply on the stain using a cotton ball and avoiding doing it near the eyes because it can cause irritation.

9. Clean the armpits

H2O2 is ideal for cleaning the armpits and whitening them from the stains caused by deodorants. In addition to this, it also helps fight bad odors.

10. House cleaning

Dissolving 2 ounces of 3% H2O2 in dish soap is ideal for making dishes completely clean. To clean the cutting boards and kill all the bacteria that are housed there, it is ideal to add 3% hydrogen peroxide with an equal amount of vinegar.

Finally, it is advisable to make a 50/50 mixture of 3% H2O2 with water to disinfect bathrooms, sinks, floors, among other surfaces.

11. Lights in the hair

Many hair dyes and products use hydrogen peroxide to supplement their function. At home it can also be used sparingly as a natural hair lightener, to get small highlights on it.

For this, it is necessary to dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide in 50/50 with water and pack it preferably in a spray. To apply, hair must be wet and ready to style. It should be sprayed in small amounts on the hair and combed as usual.

The results will be seen little by little and the clarification will not be drastic, the recommended amount should not be exceeded because it could give you unpleasant results.

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