Treatments For Ingrown Or Buried Nails

The toenails become ingrown or burrowed when one corner of the toe is bent into the skin; This causes inflammation and redness. It can happen in any toe, but most often it occurs in the ‘big’ toes. What treatment for ingrown nails can we put into practice?

Ingrown nails: most frequent causes

This problem usually occurs when the nails are cut incorrectly.  If they are given a round shape, an abnormal growth is caused. In order for the nail to grow in a normal way, it must be cut straight and allow the corners to come out and not bend.

On the other hand, another trigger is usually the use of shoes that are very tight or with a very high heel. This also affects the free growth of the nails and causes them to bury.

Also, when the feet are not properly cleaned,  the nails pick up dirt, which can have the effect of burying them.

Lastly, when receiving repeated blows to the toes, whether due to the practice of sports or work, the nails are affected. Incarnation can be a consequence.


Ingrown nails can cause redness and inflammation of the area, pain, tenderness and, if the wound becomes infected, other discomfort. All this can cause difficulties when putting on shoes.

People who suffer from arthritis, obesity and circulatory disorders, as well as those with low defenses, are those who have the highest risk of suffering from ingrown toenails. Fortunately for them, it is always possible to opt for an ingrown toenail treatment.

Are home remedies recommended?

For ingrown nails there are various types of home remedies, such as crushed garlic, onion juice, mixtures with tea tree oil, and so on. All of them with the aim of eliminating the infection and alleviating discomfort in a short period of time.

However, home remedies are not a recommended option. The most appropriate thing is to go to the doctor and follow his instructions. Especially if you suffer from diabetes or any type of chronic condition.

Recommendations for the correct growth of nails

feet ache

In addition to following the doctor’s instructions when the problem occurs, it is essential to learn to take good care of your feet. Prevention will always be the best option. 

  • To promote good growth of the nails, we must cut them straight, never oval, since when the nail curves, it buries into the skin.
  • Also, it is essential to wear proper shoes. The shoes have to be wide in the front, so that the toes have enough space. Meanwhile, its height should preferably be two and a half centimeters, at most.
  • Wearing sandals at home is also very useful, as it keeps the foot ventilated and thus reduces the risk of infection due to moisture retention.

Of course, while the inflammation lasts, walk carefully and avoid tripping. When a nail is buried and stumbled hard, this can cause the nail to become much more ingrown.

Finally, do not rule out consulting the doctor.  If the affected person suffers from diabetes, the first thing to do when the first symptom of a buried nail appears is to see a professional, since there may be some complication due to poor circulation.

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