Throat Infection: Natural Treatment

Who has not ever had a throat infection? It is painful, annoying, and generally makes it very difficult to perform daily tasks. This condition is caused by a virus. Usually, it is the same one that causes the common cold or flu.

Luckily, thanks to certain natural ingredients, it is possible to alleviate the annoying symptoms and speed up recovery. Next, we list some simple remedies to put into practice on those days when we suffer from a throat infection. Take note!

Natural treatment for throat infection


Sometimes, this affection arises by the change of season; other times, because of the air conditioning, which makes our throats dry and sick. Some are caused by the arrival of the cold or even by going through moments full of stress and anxiety, a fact that we should not ignore.

According to the Mayo Clinic, in the event that it is viral, this condition clears up on its own, with a few days of rest. On the other hand, the bacterial one is usually very resistant and needs a treatment based on antibiotics to prevent complications.

We must bear in mind that, in certain periods of time, our immune system is somewhat weak; we have low defenses and we are more vulnerable to contracting infections and certain diseases. Therefore, the fact of eating properly to strengthen the body should not be overlooked.

In addition, it is proven that high levels of stress can lead to serious long-term health problems. So it is also important to make some adjustments in habits and lifestyle. With this in mind, we tell you which are the natural remedies that will help you feel better.

1. Infusion of thyme, honey and lemon


Garlic is one of the most popular natural ingredients for treating cold or flu-related conditions. In relation to this, an investigation by the Jandishapur Journal of Microbiology indicates that this food has antibiotic properties and is effective in eliminating certain types of bacteria, fungi and viruses.

In addition to its benefits, it is very easy to obtain and has no side effects. So why not use it when we have a throat infection?

What should you do?

  • Crush a garlic and dilute it in half a glass of water.
  • You can consume this drink twice a day. We know it can leave bad breath, but it’s worth a try.

4. Infusion of chamomile


Chamomile is one of the oldest medicinal herbs used to alleviate certain health conditions. Thanks to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, it can be a good option to alleviate the discomfort related to a throat infection.

What should you do?

  • Pour a cup of water into a small saucepan.
  • Add a tablespoon of chamomile and bring to a boil.
  • Let it rest for a few minutes and strain it.
  • Consume it twice a day.

5. Infusion of turmeric and green tea


Another easy and effective alternative is to combine the properties of green tea and turmeric. The latter, as indicated by an article in the book Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects , has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic activity, among others. 

What should you do?

  • Prepare the green tea as usual.
  • When it comes to a boil, add half a teaspoon of ground turmeric.
  • Take when it has rested about 5 minutes; Accompany it with a little honey.

Other recommendations for treating a throat infection


you must bear in mind that your body is dealing with an infection. So resting is a very good way to build strength and allow your natural defenses to kick in. Allow yourself a period of well-earned rest to speed up your recovery. Take naps throughout the day and get enough sleep at night.

On the other hand, good hygiene is essential to avoid the microbes that cause infection. Wash your hands after using the bathroom, before eating, and after coughing or sneezing. Also, avoid close contact with people who are sick. Take into account all these tips and you will see how little by little the discomfort disappears.

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