The Use Of Anise Against Wrinkles

The antioxidant properties of anise could be beneficial in preventing and reducing wrinkles. Do you know how to use it?

According to popular wisdom, the use of aniseed against wrinkles helps to mitigate them and prevent the appearance of others. For this reason, there are people who have considered this element as part of their beauty and care routine.

The moment you detect the first wrinkle marks a before and after in your life. You realize that you are entering another stage, so it is time to start taking care of yourself more.

Next we are going to talk about anise to help prevent and reduce wrinkles so that you take it into account.

Why use aniseed against wrinkles?

Anise stars.

Although it may seem surprising to you, this aromatic plant has sedative qualities, as this work carried out by researchers from the Universidad de Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga points out.

Relaxation is essential so that the muscles of the face do not contract and, therefore, stop the lines of expression in it. Therefore, anise is considered useful.

According to this study published in ISRN pharmaceutics , anise contains antioxidants. In addition, it favors the production of collagen, a molecule that guarantees that the skin is smooth and smooth, as shown in this research carried out by professionals from the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos.

In view of all the above, there are those who believe that this substance could help to mitigate the furrows and improve the health of the skin in general lines, thus helping to have a more youthful appearance.

How to make an anise mask against wrinkles?

Anise mask against wrinkles

Preparing a natural anise mask against wrinkles is simple and with 100% natural ingredients, which is an advantage, according to followers of alternative medicine and cosmetics.

This way, you won’t be at the expense of self-serving decisions from labs. If you follow these instructions daily, at 10 days it is likely to start noticing the  result s.


  • 4 tablespoons of anise seeds (40 g).
  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml).


  • First, you will have to put the water on the fire until it comes to a boil.
  • Ideally, after this, the water should sit in a cup for a few moments.
  • Next, add the anise to the water and allow it to cook for a few minutes.
  • Cover the cup so that the preparation does not lose its properties with evaporation.


  • When the infusion cools, it is ready for you to use. You can do it directly with your fingers or with a cotton ball.
  • You don’t need to rinse your face after applying, but if you feel like it, that’s fine.
  • You can even take advantage of and use your usual night treatment as a complement.

Anise: much more than an anti-wrinkle

Anise is part of the cookbook of home remedies. It has antispasmodic and sedative properties, as we have already noted, that can help improve certain stomach problems.

It has a double function. On the one hand, it relieves stomach pain and on the other, it acts on its origin when it comes to a nervous discomfort, thanks to that relaxing effect we are talking about.

Likewise, it can be an analgesic for ovarian pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties, as indicated in this study carried out by researchers from the Jorge Basarde Grahmann University, Peru.

As you can see, anise is a versatile remedy in the field of alternative medicine and cosmetics that could perhaps be very useful to improve beauty treatments and, specifically, those specially designed to combat premature aging and the first signs of age.

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