The Thicker Your Armor, The More Fragile You Will Be

By hiding the pain, the emotions are silenced, but also any possibility of asking for help is stalled. Thus, the thicker the armor with which we cover ourselves, the more fragile we also make our own feelings.

Sometimes disappointments lead us to isolate ourselves from the environment and avoid certain relationships or even express what happens to us. Thus, in that attempt to protect, what we do then is encapsulate the discomfort. We know that we are suffering, although we do not want to share it …

We invite you to reflect on this question.

The thicker your armor …

Frailty is often confused with weakness. However, each of these conditions has different nuances.


For example, if we look at a glass with cracks, we will see that it is deteriorating more and more. For that is also the case for those who take refuge in armor. In the end they end up being even more fragile because they get trapped inside the wall that they built on themselves.

These people end up looking weak, because from any difficulty they collapse. What happens is that they may have wounds to heal that remain open. And, although they try to hide them, they continue to hurt them …

However, they are stronger than you think. Because these protagonists have trusted despite betrayals, have continued to love despite disappointments and have continued to believe even when they were aware of the lie.

The armor in the end has been an alternative to stay standing, to contain that pain that sometimes one does not support or want to communicate.

Looks are deceiving

When we put on such a breastplate, others cannot see us as we are. They only get a superficial idea, that image with which we dress and cover what hurts us or makes us distrust.

As a protection mechanism, it helps us avoid situations that we fear or that we do not want to expose ourselves to again. Now, on the other hand, with this attitude we repress emotions that would allow us to release part of the discomfort we feel.

suffering man

In addition, in this way we may show an aspect that confuses those around us. It is a position with which we are not really satisfied, but in which we settle for fear of being damaged one more time. We are scared by what we feel, we refuse to see ourselves so fragile …

Thus, the layer with which to mask that discomfort ends up gradually becoming thicker. Because it increases the dissonance between what we would like to manifest and what we then really externalize.

Perhaps we act unconsciously. However, these are all masks that we put on to avoid dealing with problems. How long will we last inside that armor? What seems to cover us now is also what makes the sore bigger.

The thicker the armor, the lower the welfare

That framework in which you lock yourself to survive is also the rope that oppresses you. It is that cage that is trapping him and does not let him be who he is or consider a different way out.

person imprisoned in his mind

For this reason, everything that we cannot face in the end gives us other consequences. Escaping, ignoring, sneaking, and protecting ourselves are mere shortcuts, but not authentic solutions to the difficulties we experience.

If we take shelter in armor, we will lose the opportunity to put ourselves to the test, to reaffirm ourselves and verify that we have the capacity to face the challenge. Although spending time away to reflect and recover is healthy, it does not seem that it is the only permanently valid option.

Sooner or later, we will want to feel again, to live those risks from which we had been distancing ourselves. It is likely that when we try, we will verify that the perspective itself is already another. We will have new resources and, above all, we will have grown as people.

Coming out of the armor

Have you ever been in armor? Perhaps this is one more learning process, although not as an eternal choice.

By running away and hiding what we get is a distorted image of who we are, a barrier to our own emotions. How about we let them out? Maybe we will be surprised with the result …

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