The Secrets Of Aspirin To Beautify The Skin Of The Face

Aspirin is the world’s most famous over-the-counter pain reliever, used for the relief of headaches, fever, and as a blood thinner. What few know is that it can also be used in cosmetics. Did you know that you can use aspirin to beautify your skin?

Although it has been valued worldwide for its contributions to cardiovascular health, it has long been used as a basis for home beauty treatments. And, thanks to its components, it fights acne, reduces spots and helps eliminate impurities.

Understanding that many have not tried it for these purposes, today we want to share several recipes to take advantage of it. Of course, first of all, we review its main benefits.

Benefits of aspirin to beautify skin

What are the benefits of aspirin for the skin

There are several reasons to use aspirin to beautify your skin. The first of these is its anti-inflammatory effect that helps reduce acne, even when it occurs in a chronic degree. Its compounds minimize excess oil and help clean pores. This is explained by a study on the benefits of aspirin on the skin supported by the Gundersen Clinic.

Aspirin also has a fat-soluble ingredient known as beta-hydroxy acid, used in the cosmetic industry to manufacture exfoliating products to lighten and cleanse the skin. This active compound stimulates the elimination of dead cells and prevents premature wrinkles.

On the other hand, it has a healing effect that helps to repair the skin when it has suffered some type of alteration due to acne or an external injury. Therefore, if you have not yet used it, do not miss the treatments that we share below. You will love them!

Aspirin treatments to beautify facial skin

One of the great advantages of aspirin is that it can be crushed and mixed with other ingredients. Therefore, if it is about beautifying the skin, there are interesting proposals to take advantage of its components. Make your notes!

1. Exfoliating mask with aspirin

aspirin to beautify the skin

This is one of the basic ways to use aspirin to beautify your skin. It has an exfoliating action that facilitates the removal of dead cells and improves the texture of the skin. In addition, it neutralizes  excess oil and reduces the size of large pores. 


  • 3 aspirin
  • 3 tablespoons of warm water (30 ml)


  • Soak the aspirin in the water to soften it, then grind it into a paste.

    Application mode

    • Clean your entire face very well before extending the treatment and then make sure to apply it with gentle circular massages.
    • Leave the mask on your face for 5-10 minutes and rinse.
    • Repeat the treatment twice a week if you have normal or oily skin, and once if it is dry.

    2. Aspirin mask with lemon

    The Aspirin Lemon Mask is designed for those who want to fight acne, blemishes and conditions such as scars. Lemon combined with aspirin creates a powerful astringent and antibacterial to remove impurities.

    Note: it is important to clarify that its use should only be at night, since if it is exposed to the sun it could cause stains and irritations.


    • 3 aspirin
    • 3 tablespoons of lemon juice (30 ml)


    • Soak the aspirin in the lemon juice and grind it into a thick paste.

    Application mode

    • Apply the mixture on a clean face and leave it to act for 10 minutes.

      3. Aspirin, yogurt and honey mask

      Aspirin and yogurt mask

      This facial treatment provides the benefits of a peel, reducing unsightly scars, blemishes and pimples caused by acne. The combination of aspirin, yogurt and honey creates a hydrating product for a radiant and smooth face.


      • 5 aspirins.
      • ½ tablespoon of pure honey (15 g)
      • 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt (15 g)


      • Grind the aspirin into a powder, then combine it with the pure honey and plain yogurt.

      Application mode

      • Dip a washcloth in hot water and place it on your clean face to open the pores, in order to get the mask to penetrate well.
      • Then, dry well and spread a thin layer of the mixture, leaving it to act for 20 to 30 minutes.
      • Remove the mixture with warm water and, to finish, apply a little moisturizer.

      Have you already tried aspirin to beautify the skin on your face? As you can see, it is very easy to use and has interesting benefits. Try the treatment that most appeals to you and include it regularly in your beauty routine.

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