The Important Thing Is Not To Be Equal: It Is To Form A Good Team

There are those who strive their whole lives to find their “soul mate.” That person related in tastes, passions and customs. When, in reality, the most important thing is knowing how to form a good team.

It does not matter if our partner is more of staying home and we of dining out. It does not matter if we are into sports and the other person is into romantic movies. The key is knowing how to respect each other, in reaching agreements, in allowing us to learn from each other.

Because being a couple is not agreeing 100% in everything. It is not breathing through the same heart or seeing through the same eyes. Being a couple is knowing how to spin a strong and resistant fabric with precious contrasts, in which everything forms a piece that is as beautiful as it is durable.

Here we explain what are the keys to forming a good team. The best.

Despite our differences, we are a great team

We should not make the mistake of despairing just because we don’t like the same things. For not loving the same books, the same movies, the same foods.

What should concern us is our inability to reach agreements. As well as that character that, far from putting itself in the place of the other, seeks to impose its own opinions and decisions.

What matters are the values

To be a good team we can allow ourselves to disagree on political opinions, and even have different personality types. Introverts can be good matches to extroverts, and vice versa. However, there is one aspect in which we must always harmonize: our values.

  • Values ​​are what make us have the same ideas about what an emotional relationship is or what a family is.
  • Having the same scheme of values ​​will ensure that our differences are respected and understood. Even more, that we see them as other points of view to take into account or from which to learn.

    Thinking different does not mean feeling differently

    If your partner loves cats and you love dogs, that doesn’t mean they love you less. If your partner is a vegetarian it does not mean that he has to hate you just because you are not.

    Thinking different does not mean that we love each other less for it. It means that we respect each other and that we give ourselves freedom and, above all, the opportunity to be ourselves. Now, one aspect that we must take into account is the following: the other person will never have the right to change our way of thinking or impose their tastes, ideals or passions on us.

    To be a team, each member must know that without respect there are no alliances. Without understanding the differences there are no opportunities for union.

    My partner is younger than me: advantages and disadvantages.

    Our differences enrich us

    • Our professional lives move in different spheres, and we spend the day in different settings. However, when we get home, all the armor falls off and only the real thing remains: two people who love each other.
    • We have differences, we move in opposite places. However, we love to explain how the day went. We love learning from each other, seeing other perspectives.
    • It doesn’t matter if there are aspects where we never harmonize. Your partner may never give up on buying a house in the country, yet he agrees to go on excursions every weekend in the great outdoors.

    We know how to reach agreements and we always look for the best for the team

    To be a good team we need to reach agreements. Likewise, it is vital that we know how to put into practice the keys to good communication to achieve these common objectives:

    • Listen with respect and interest: listen to understand, not just to answer.
    • Understand the other person’s point of view We all have our own opinion on certain things, but you need to empathize. Putting ourselves in the shoes of our partner to understand what he feels and why he defends what he defends.
    • To give in is not to lose, it is to try new possibilities. To make a good team you have to be clear about one thing: no one should lose or just one should win.
    • We have to achieve daily victories by allowing ourselves to give up something of each one at a time.
    • Thus, we must not close in band every day and every day. Sometimes, giving in a little, we end up discovering things that we did not expect. Aspects that enrich us both.

    It is worth keeping in mind. Because the best couples are soul mates with the same values ​​and with differences that are harmonized through dialogue and respect.

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