The Diet That Prolongs Your Life Expectancy

Life expectancy determines how long a person is expected to live in a given social context. It depends on many factors including diet. A healthy diet is essential.

Life expectancy is an index that allows to determine how long a person is expected to live in a given social context. That is, it will depend on where you live, sex, level of education, sanitary conditions, diet, prevention measures, economic level, genetics, etc.

This life expectancy index is variable and shows a tendency to increase over time due to scientific and technological progress. Furthermore, in developed countries life expectancy is higher than in underdeveloped countries. According to data from the WHO (World Health Organization), life expectancy increased by 5 years between 2000 and 2015, the fastest increase since the 1960s, although significant inequalities persist in the same country and from one country to another.

How can life expectancy rates be increased? Although there are many factors that influence,  lifestyle plays a fundamental role, especially with regard to diet and physical activity.

Spain is one of the countries with the most elderly people, only surpassed by Japan. In both nations the diet is abundant in fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals and legumes.

This article describes the reasons why foods in the Mediterranean diet contribute to longevity.

Also read How to prepare a Mediterranean diet

the Mediterranean diet and life expectancy

What are in foods that prolong life expectancy 



Increasing the consumption of this excellent protein several days a week contributes to good cardiovascular health. Its antioxidant power has been proven . In addition, it contains omega 3 fatty acids, which by increasing the blood clotting time reduces the chances of suffering from arteriosclerosis.

Among the blue fish that provide us with the most omega 3 we find:

  • Salmon
  • Sardine
  • Tuna
  • Anchovy
  • Mackerel

Olive oil          

The oil that is extracted from olives, especially from the first pressing, has great antioxidant power. It is associated with an increase in life expectancy in the countries where it is consumed. The reason is that it contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which are related to an improvement in coagulation processes. Therefore intake d isminuye the occurrence of myocardial infarctions.

It also prevents cognitive decline in old age, among other positive effects on health.

Whole grains

Eating whole grains is also associated with longevity due to its antioxidant character, so it is convenient to incorporate them into the daily diet.

They are characterized by their high content of fiber and good quality carbohydrates, as opposed to processed ones.

Its consumption has been related to lower obesity, lower incidence of type 2 diabetes, prevention of colon cancer and reduction of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and cardiovascular diseases.


This is another of the foods very present in the Mediterranean diet. Legumes contain complex, slow-absorbing carbohydrates. In addition, they contain a lot of protein, minerals and fiber.

Well-prepared legumes produce satiety and fight bad cholesterol (LDL), which associates its consumption with a low incidence of obesity, diabetes and also coronary problems.

Fruits and vegetables


They are the antioxidant kings for their enormous amount of flavonoids. The countries of the world with the longest living inhabitants have an abundant intake of vegetables and fruits. The average required is about five servings a day.

Fiber, water, vitamins, proteins, minerals, healthy fats and many components that are part of the diet come from the plant kingdom. It is advisable to take advantage of the seasonal ones, this guarantees that they are pure and fresh.

Taking these products greatly reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer; in addition to having great anti-inflammatory and healing effects in many cases.


This is another of the most antioxidant foods in the Mediterranean diet that increases life expectancy. Very energetic due to its amount of proteins, as well as vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for health.

Their positive effects on the brain are well known, and being rich in omega 3, they influence the reduction of cholesterol in the blood.

However, the intake of these foods alone does not guarantee the preservation and improvement of health.

  • The consumption of saturated fats, refined flours, salt and sugar should also be reduced.
  • Also, do not forget to have a good physical activity and avoid stress in everyday life.

In conclusion, returning to the foods of that time, consuming a Mediterranean diet, can help us recover and improve a positive indicator of life expectancy.

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