The Best Way To Lose Weight According To Your Body Type

It is essential that, before starting to exercise, we define our to choose those that best suit our needs in order to achieve results sooner.

Most people who want to lose weight are not clear about their body type. Knowing your body shape is the most effective way to achieve your goals. It is true that there are multiple ways to lose weight regardless of body type. However, this is the explanation why some routines work more for some people than others.

Have you ever wondered what type of body you have and if this is important when losing weight?  If you have not asked yourself this question yet, we invite you to know the following 6 body types that will help you identify which is yours and what type of program is the best for you to lose weight.

6 different body types

It is essential that you know the types of body that exist, and then be able to adapt the diet.

Women with different body types.

1. Pear shape

This body shape is also called the “guitar shape.” It is characterized by carrying additional weight in the lower part of the body, especially in the area of ​​the hips, butt and thighs. Meanwhile, the bust and waist tend to be small.

Cardiovascular exersise

In this case, the person must focus their aerobic exercises on the lower part of their body in order to free it from the additional weight that accumulates there.

  • For these cases, the walk, the elliptical bike or the bicycle is ideal.
  • The stair climber is not recommended because these types of machines can increase the size of the legs.

Resistance exercises

Cardio exercises should be supplemented with shoulder, front, and side weights.

  • Between 6 and 8 repetitions per session are recommended.

2. Rectangular shape

This body shape is characterized by its lack of symmetry. Their shoulders and hips are too broad, even if the figure is athletic.

This type of body is also known as “square” and in this case the person should focus on minimizing the waist.

  • Cardiovascular exersise. For these cases, it is recommended to increase the use of the incline treadmill or stair climber, as they are machines that can help to work on the symmetry of the body.
  • Resistance exercises: in this case the exercises of the inner part of the legs are effective, to finish with lunges and extensions. They are done 6 to 8 repetitions using heavy and moderate weight.

Keep in mind that strength work with weights is always suitable for shaping the figure and improving body composition, as stated in a study published in Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases.

Woman doing exercise bike at home.

3. Hourglass, the most favored body type

Genetically it is the most favored. It is characterized by having an appropriate weight and height for the shape of the body.

For experts, this type of body is the “perfect” one, as it has the advantage that it distributes the weight it gains in a balanced way and, on the other hand, when it loses fat it adapts perfectly.

Cardiovascular exersise

It must be balanced by body type. They all look great on you, but you shouldn’t just focus on one type of exercise.

  • Combine several and you will stay in shape.

Resistance exercises

This type of body is the most suitable for the practice of physical preparation and bodybuilding.

  • Combined routines suit you very well, because in addition to controlling fat, they tone easily.

4. Apple shape

It is characterized by slim legs, large bust, and weight gain in the abdominal area.

In this case, supplementation with some ergogenic aid such as creatine to maximize muscle gains and to enhance weight loss may be beneficial, according to research published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

Cardiovascular exersise

It is recommended to increase the use of a treadmill or stair climber and avoid the use of bicycles as these tend to thin the legs more. Other cardio exercises also suit you very well, encourage yourself to:

  • Dance.
  • To run.
  • Jump the rope.

Endurance training

The focus should be on the legs to achieve balance with the upper body.

  • Makes 6 to 8 repetitions of squats and press leg.

5. Rhombus

It is characterized by having a high metabolism that prevents you from gaining weight easily. He is slim and his measurements of his upper body, chest, hips and waist are almost the same.

Cardiovascular exersise

The most advisable thing is to use the stair climber. Avoid excess of this kind of exercises.

  • In this case the body must concentrate its physical work on resistance.

Resistance exercises

The training should be short and intense. Focus on working on one muscle group each week.

  • The movements must be made such as press bench, press front, crouching or press shoulder, among others.
  • Perform 6 to 8 repetitions.

exercises to prevent scoliosis

6. Inverted triangle

It is also known as “cone shape”. They are characterized by having the shoulders wider than the hips. They are generally women with large breasts, slim legs and narrow hips.

Cardiovascular exersise

You should focus on burning calories and mainly use the stair climber to work on enlarging the legs.

  • Do all kinds of cardio, except the elliptical trainer, because it would slim your legs even more.

Resistance exercises

These exercises should focus on strength movements for the legs, such as squats, lunges, elevation, extension and in general exercises for the hips and legs.

  • For shaping it is recommended to do 6 to 8 repetitions of lunges and leg extensions.
  • Supplement these exercises with moderate weights.

Remember that in addition to sports, some dietary protocols such as intermittent fasting have been shown to be effective in promoting weight loss.

Adapt the training according to the type of body

Instead of resorting to generic measures, the ideal is to personalize the training and diet, as this increases the chances of success without putting health at risk. Additionally, it is important to identify the morphological characteristics with the coach to guide a work session that enhances the strengths.

In general, the idea is to learn to know and work the body to enjoy health and well-being. Don’t force yourself to change your body type to make yourself more like someone else. After all, each person is different.

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