The Best Plants To Help You Lose Weight

For many years, plants have been used as a weight loss aid. Although they do not have super properties against excess weight, their consumption as part of a balanced and healthy diet can have positive effects. What are the best options?

According to a publication in the medical journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine , the findings on the effects of herbs against obesity remain controversial. However, some plants appear to have the potential to aid weight loss.

Specifically, some promote the expulsion of fluids, stimulate the breakdown of fats and promote appetite control. In the next space we want to detail some options so that you take them into account. In addition, we tell you what the investigations say.

Are plants an effective option to lose weight?

First of all, it is essential to clarify that the use of plants is not enough to lose weight. While research has discussed their effects against being overweight, on their own they do not have significant effects. Weight loss is due to multiple factors and, therefore, it is important to design a plan according to the needs of each one.

Therefore, if you are looking to lose weight in an effective and healthy way, you should seek professional advice. Both doctors and nutritionists can guide you towards a safe and stable weight loss, without strict diets and miraculous methods that in the end are ineffective.

In addition, they can also help to establish whether the use of plants is convenient, considering that they are not exempt from contraindications, drug interactions and side effects. Having made this clear, let’s look at some interesting options.

Plants that will help you lose weight

If the doctor considers that you are okay with trying some plants to lose weight, then you can include them as part of your diet. Of course, make sure you consume them in a moderate way, always within the framework of a balanced diet that contains all the nutrients. 

Fennel seeds

Without a doubt, one of the most interesting plants when it comes to losing weight is fennel. From the Apiaceae family this herb has been used both in gastronomy and in natural medicine. According to a publication in the journal Clinical Nutrition Research , its seed helps control appetite. Therefore, it prevents weight gain by limiting caloric intake.

  • Make a decoction for a quarter of an hour, 20 grams of fennel seeds per liter of water.
  • Drink 2 cups a day.
Fennel seeds


The reason why dandelion helps fight excess weight is because of its diuretic effects. What does this mean? Indicates that it has the ability to stimulate the elimination of fluids through urine, which reduces weight due to excess water.

A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine determined that the consumption of dandelion tea helps increase urine production within 5 hours after consumption. However, it is a subject that requires further study.

  • In this case, you prepare a drink with 5 grams of the plant per cup of boiling water.
  • Let it rest between 8 and 10 minutes, and consume up to 2 times a day.


Known in traditional Chinese medicine as a wellness ingredient, ginseng is another plant that can help you lose weight. Whether in supplements, extracts or tea, the drink helps to moderate appetite and appears to have an effect on metabolism.

In a Journal of Ginseng Research investigation , the consumption of Korean ginseng was helpful in reducing body weight and regulating the gut microbiota. Additionally, another animal study, published in the journal Cytotechnology , found that this plant can help alter fat formation and delay intestinal fat absorption.

Although more studies are needed to corroborate these effects in people, for now it is considered a safe ingredient for most healthy adults. Its moderate consumption can complement the diet.

Ginseng, a weight loss plant

Green Tea

To close this short list of plants that will help you lose weight with a flourish, green tea is recommended. This medicinal plant increases the amount of antioxidants in the bloodstream, as explained in an article published in the Journal Nutrition and Cancer .

As if that were not enough, it contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a substance with an antioxidant effect that is associated with the stimulation of metabolism. According to the findings of a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , green tea contributes to increasing the fat-burning effects of exercise by up to 17%.

Although its effects are still being investigated, today it is one of the favorite plants when it comes to losing weight. Many even prefer it to promote their overall health.

  • There are several ways to consume it: it is available in capsules, extracts, and tea. The latter is made by adding a 5 gram sachet to a cup of boiling water.
  • You must follow the manufacturer’s consumption instructions. If possible, avoid drinking more than 2 cups a day.

Plants that help you lose weight: what should be clear?

These plants, although considered beneficial for weight loss, are not a miracle treatment against excess weight. Similarly, they are not a substitute for a healthy diet and the recommendations given by the nutritionist. It is important to seek care when fighting overweight.

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