Tea Tree Oil: The Oil Of Life And A Thousand Remedies

Tea tree oil has been used since ancient times to treat skin problems. However, its medicinal applications go much further. As a curiosity, it is worth knowing that it has its origin in Australia. It was used there for the first time thanks to the distillation of the leaves of a tree called Melaleuca Alternifolia .

Indigenous Australians have always used it to treat various conditions, both of the skin and those that affect the respiratory system.   In fact, today, the pharmaceutical industry and alternative therapy centers use it to take advantage of its many virtues. Have you already used it? Discover some of its main uses.

Tea tree oil to treat acne

A perfect way to get rid of annoying acne or blackheads is to make use of tea tree oil. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties are ideal for this common skin problem. However, it should not be used directly on the skin. To avoid aggressions it must be diluted.

On the other hand, this study carried out by the Taipei Medical University endorses its antifungal components, but also claims that the level of efficacy in cases of acne only corresponds to 5%.

Instructions for use and application



  • 2 drops of tea tree oil
  • 10 drops of water
  • 5 drops witch hazel

How to use?

  • Combine all the ingredients until you get a lotion. Then, apply it on the problem areas with the help of a cotton pad. Use it up to 2 times a day.

It will allow you to weaken the dry cuticles of the nails

This natural product has many applications within cosmetics. One of them is to weaken the cracked and uneven cuticles of the nails (although there is no scientific evidence to support this). Likewise, it will also help you treat fungi according to this research carried out by the University of Canberra (Australia).

Instructions for use and application

  • Dampen a cotton ball with the oil and rub it on the cuticles. After a few minutes you will see how you can easily remove them.
  • If you have nail fungus, add 5 drops of oil to a nail polish and apply it 3 times a week.

Tea tree oil for pityriasis

Pityriasis portada and tea tree oil

Pityriasis rosea is a dermatological disease that appears in the autumn or spring times. Its evolution begins with an initial lesion –like a plaque– and later develops with generalized erythematous and scaly spots.

Its origin is infectious and treatment is limited, in many cases, to corticosteroids. Despite what is believed, there is no scientific evidence to support the use of tea tree to alleviate this condition.

 How to use

The dosage of this type of oil should always be more or less than 5% with respect to the amount of water that we include.

  • So, for example, you can prepare a bottle with half a glass of water (100 ml) and add a teaspoon (5 ml) of tea tree oil.
  • To apply it in case of pityriasis, it is best to wash the affected area beforehand. Next, we will do a small scrub with this combination every day. Little by little you will see results.

To treat athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot originates from a certain type of fungus. Dermatophytes thrive in warm, humid places and live in dead skin tissue. The most common is to suffer inflammation or flaking, both on the sides of the feet and in the area between the toes.

One way to treat this problem is by using tea tree oil, according to this information obtained from the Mayo Clinic. Thanks to its antifungal properties, it stops the growth of fungi and accelerates the recovery of the skin.  We explain how to get it.

How to use

  • Fill a tub with warm water.
  • Add 10 drops of tea tree oil and 10 drops of rosemary oil.
  • Soak your feet in this remedy for 20 minutes and then dry them carefully, not forgetting those areas between your toes. Repeat this every day when you get home.

The best repellent for mosquitoes

The 11 best herbs and spices to repel mosquitoes

This remedy has been corroborated by this study conducted by New Mexico State University. If we live in an area with humid areas, we run the risk of being attacked by mosquitoes.  Since sometimes environmental repellants or wearing a certain type of clothing are not enough, we suggest the following.

Mix tea tree oil with water and create your own repellent. Although it may be hard for you to believe, the aroma and properties of this product help protect the skin against annoying stings.


  • 5 tablespoons of water (50 ml)
  • 10 drops of tea tree oil
  • 10 drops of citronella or lemon essential oil


  • For this remedy we will look for a bottle with a diffuser. Afterwards, we will apply this mixture on the skin every night before going to sleep. It is a very effective and inexpensive repellent that is worth always having at home.

Do you already have this product in your medicine cabinet? Now that you know its properties and uses, be sure to buy it in an herbal or cosmetic store. You’ll love it!

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