Sulfur: Uses And Benefits For Health

Next, we will tell you what sulfur gives us both in health and beauty, as well as the foods that contain it to a greater extent.

Sulfur is a trace element that is present in the body, in a certain amount, which contributes to metabolism. It is acquired through the intake of various foods rich in protein, as well as various supplements. And, as with other nutrients, its deficit can affect health.

With a balanced diet you can obtain all kinds of benefits, however, in case, after a physical evaluation, the doctor indicates that it is necessary to resort to supplements, it will be necessary to follow their advice. However, sulfur is an element that can not only be used through diet.

Features and benefits

The functions of sulfur are closely related to the benefits it provides for the health of the body. In addition to helping to regulate the nervous system, it maintains brain oxygenation, in conjunction with the B vitamins, and also:

  • Improves liver function, as it contributes to proper bile secretion. It also helps purify the body naturally.
  • In general terms, sulfur also favors both the transport and the balance of the other minerals in the body.
  • It promotes the proper functioning of insulin in the body. Therefore, it regulates blood glucose levels.
  • Sulfur is essential for the synthesis of keratin and collagen. For this reason, it is said that it considers that it actively collaborates in the treatments for the skin, hair and nails.
  • Improves digestive function as it is involved in the synthesis of glutathione.
  • Improves the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
  • Relieves pain caused by rheumatic diseases.

It should be noted that, as a trace element, a dose of 2 milligrams is usually taken, fasting, under the tongue and no more, since it can be counterproductive.

Cosmetic uses of sulfur


Sulfur, whether it is part of the components of cosmetic products or if we consume it through food, allows us to take care of the health of the skin, hair and nails, thanks to the following properties :

  • It promotes the formation of keratin and collagen, which improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Helps eliminate toxins that accumulate on the skin.
  • Soothes eczema and skin allergies. In this study published in the Journal of cosmetic dermatology it  was shown that they improved the symptoms of redness, inflammation and itchiness and that it increased the hydration in the skin.
  • Fight bacteria and fungi.
  • Reduces acne.
  • It evens out the pigmentation of the skin.
  • Strengthens nails and hair, and promotes their growth.

When is it recommended to consume sulfur?

According to the previous points, the consumption of sulfur as a supplement or the increase in the consumption of foods rich in sulfur is recommended, especially, to those people who suffer:

  • Acne.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Alopecia.
  • Allergies
  • Diabetes.
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Rheumatic diseases.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • High levels of cholesterol or triglycerides.
  • Nervous disorders such as anxiety, stress, or depression.
  • Liver congestion and difficulty digesting food.

Sulfur rich foods

Onion and garlic

If we do not suffer from any disorder but want to increase the consumption of sulfur, the most natural and effective way is to increase the intake of those foods that contain it, which in the first instance are meat, fish and shellfish, and also:


  • Plum.
  • Mango.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Apple.

Vegetables, legumes and others

  • Cabbage.
  • Garlic.
  • Broccoli.
  • Onion.
  • Mustard.
  • Cucumber.
  • Spinach.
  • Asparagus.
  • Carrot.
  • Wheat germ.
  • Beer yeast.
  • Egg yolk (raw).
  • Sunflower seeds.

Supplements and products with sulfur


  • Shampoos : for hair problems such as dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis or alopecia.
  • Cleansing creams and lotions for the skin : for impurities and to help improve the texture of the skin.
  • Soaps : for acneic skin, with excess oil and a tendency to superinfection.
  • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) : This is an organic sulfur-based compound that is generally prescribed to improve cartilage, bones, tendons, and muscles. Supplements usually contain 1,000 mg per capsule and 2 or 3 tablets per day are usually recommended.
  • Sulfurized waters : Natural spas and hot springs are classified according to the type of water, which can be more or less abundant in certain minerals. Sulfur or sulfur hot springs, which stand out for their characteristic smell, are excellent for treating all kinds of skin problems.
  • Bars : This surprising remedy is very difficult to find in most countries, although in others it has been used for decades to immediately relieve back contractures. You just have to slide over the affected areas until the bar breaks, which means it has worked.

We recommend always consulting with a health professional before making any change in our lifestyle and taking any natural supplement, especially if we take medication or suffer from any health problem.

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