Simple Exercises To Burn Up To 300 Calories

It is very important that we adjust the weight to our possibilities and that we do not try to overdo it the first few days. As we gain strength we can increase it

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to burn those excess calories that accumulate in our body, causing us to gain weight. There are many exercises that you can carry out to meet your goal.

Currently there are many facilities to put it into practice, since it is not always necessary to go to a gym every day to take advantage of all its benefits.

In fact, without having to leave home, investing only a few minutes and in small spaces we can make movements to get active and thus burn all that fat that torments us so much.

This time we wanted to share a short exercise routine that you can do at any time and with which you can get rid of up to 300 calories. Would you like to know what it is about and how to do it at home?

What you need before starting the simple exercises

Before putting the following exercises into practice, it is very important that you get a kettlebell or kettlebell . Do you know what it is? It is a cast iron ball that has a handle made of the same material on the top that makes it easy to use.

This element for training is usually found in weights ranging from 4 to 47 kilograms. Most people who start to include it in their routines, generally, use the 4 kilograms, to gradually increase.

What are the movements that we must perform in the simple exercises?

Thanks to the demand that the kettlebell brings to these movements, it is possible that in a few minutes you will be able to burn 300 or 350 calories.

The most important thing is to do both movements correctly and try to do each session without interruptions.

Movement No. 1


  • Stand up straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes at a 45-degree angle.
  • Put the kettlebell on the floor between your feet.
  • Squat down and grasp the handle of the weight with both hands.
  • Push your heels down very firmly and raise your torso, lifting the weight, without releasing it for a few seconds.
  • Perform 10 repetitions of the movement and complete 3 sets.

Movement No. 2


  • Stand up straight, with your legs wide apart.
  • Next, start swinging the kettlebell between your legs, front to back.
  • Perform 3 continuous sets of 5 or 10 minutes each, with 3-minute breaks in between.

Tips for optimal results of simple exercises

In both cases, it is recommended to start with a weight of 4.5 kilograms or less, until you have mastered each movement. When reaching another level, this weight can increase until it reaches 10 or 11 kilograms.

To give more rhythm to the two simple exercises, a good idea is to set the place with music that fills you up.

Number of sessions

For each activity it is recommended to always carry out between 2 and 3 sessions, with a rest time of 48 and 72 hours between them.

Number of repetitions

These depend on the time you have to perform each movement and, of course, on the physical state you have.

It is not recommended to do less than 10 repetitions, because very little effort would be done. The ideal is to start with this amount and increase it day by day.

Series duration


In the first exercise, the series can last up to a minute, all depending on how long you can hold on lifting the weight.

In the second case, the time has to be longer, at least 5 minutes, but trying to make light movements without stopping the weight. The total session should last between 20 and 30 minutes.

Rest between simple exercises

Breaks between sessions are very important, but you must learn to do it the right way.

It is not right that at each break you sit down or stop making a movement. It is preferable to walk a little to reduce the intensity of the exercise and thus prepare for the next session.


The key to burning calories is the intensity with which each of these exercises is performed. At first it can be a bit tedious to do them without stopping, but with a lot of practice you can increase it until you achieve the goal.


The advantage of these two movements is that a place with a lot of space is not required to carry them out. However, it is very important to know how to choose the site, since it must be firm, free of noise and all kinds of distractions.

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