Say Goodbye To Bad Smell In Your Clothes With 5 Simple Tricks

Do you want to remove the bad smell from your clothes? Fortunately, in addition to commercial scented options, there are some 100% natural tricks that help eliminate it without spending too much money.

On this occasion we want to share 5 interesting solutions so that you do not hesitate to apply them when you notice this problem in your clothes. Take note!

The bad smell of clothes

To begin with, although we wash our clothes well, we notice that they  acquire an unpleasant smell, similar to the mold that forms on the walls and closets. In addition, this situation is common when we do not remove the clothes from the washing machine on time, or when there is not enough sun for them to dry quickly.

Although we can wash them again to eliminate that bad smell, we almost always need products in addition to common detergents. However, in this article we propose 5 very effective natural solutions.

1. Baking soda and vinegar

Vinegar and baking soda to remove odor from clothes

A combination of baking soda with white vinegar helps us to eliminate the bad smell of the clothes. And by the way, it removes stains and leaves fabrics soft.


  • ΒΌ cup of baking soda (40 g)
  • 1 cup of white vinegar (250 ml)


  • Find a deep bowl and combine the baking soda with the white vinegar.

How to use

  • To start, spray the mixture on the clothes and let it work for 30 minutes.
  • Then, optionally, put the product in one of the compartments of the washing machine, and start the normal cycle.
  • Finally, rinse as usual and dry in a ventilated place.

2. Bags of rice

The trick of rice bags is ideal to avoid the bad smell in the clothes when the cabinets have mold inside. This ingredient absorbs moisture and prevents the fungus from continuing to grow.


  • 5 tablespoons of rice (100 g)
  • 6 drops of lavender essential oil


    • Cloth bags


    • Incorporate the tablespoons of rice into the cloth bags and add the lavender oil.

    How to use

    • To start, put the bags in the corners of the cabinets, or hang them near your clothes.
    • Also, change them periodically to keep this space free of mold and odor.

    3. Lemon juice and sea salt

    lemon juice to remove odor from clothes

    If the detergent cannot remove the bad smell from your favorite clothes, combine natural lemon juice with sea salt and complement the wash. These ingredients help remove stains and, at the same time, neutralize the smell of mold and sweat.


    • The juice of 2 lemons
    • 3 tablespoons of sea salt (30 g)
    • 5 cups of water (1250 ml)


    • Extract the juice from the lemons. Then mix them with the sea salt in a bowl of water.

      How to use

      • Soak the garments for 20 minutes and rinse as usual.

      4. Lavender infusion

      If your clothes have a musty smell after washing, prepare a lavender infusion. By the way,  take advantage of the aromatic power of its vapors.


      • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
      • 6 tablespoons of lavender flowers (60 g)


      • To start, bring the cups of water to a boil and, when they come to a boil, add the lavender flowers.
      • Then, leave them on a minimum heat for 3 minutes and remove them.

      How to use

      • Before it cools down, put the items near the pot to absorb the vapors.
      • Then leave them in the open air for several hours.
      • Finally, if you like, put containers with the hot infusion in your cupboards, and let it act for a couple of hours.

      5. Apple cider vinegar and lemon

      Apple cider vinegar and lemon to remove bad smell from clothes

      Finally, combining the properties of apple cider vinegar with those of lemon juice we can get a complementary product for washing clothes. In addition, its compounds get rid of the smell of mold and, without altering fabrics, remove sweat and dust stains.


      • The juice of 2 lemons
      • 1 cup of apple cider vinegar (250 ml)


      • Extract the juice from the lemons and combine it with the apple cider vinegar in a deep bowl.

      How to use

      • To begin with, if you have a washing machine, put the product in one of its soap compartments. Then start the normal wash cycle.
      • Instead, if you don’t have one, add the solution to a bucket of water and soak your clothes for 40 minutes.
      • Finally, wash as usual and dry in the sun.

      Do your clothes acquire a bad smell, even after washing them? If it happens to you often, keep the above tricks in mind and say goodbye to that annoying problem. Finally, try checking your washing machine and cabinets for mold or odor-generating substances.

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