Romero: Properties And Uses In The Home

Rosemary has been used as a medicinal plant for millennia, since since ancient times different cultures have understood its beneficial properties for human health. Therefore, today we will discover what are the supposed properties of rosemary to start including it in our diet.

Although its most widespread use is as a condiment or spice in different foods (such as rosemary salmon or rosemary chicken), it is also used in natural medicine to alleviate different ailments.

Following the proposals and the study carried out in this book, Medicinal and aromatic plants, we are going to see the properties of rosemary and how we can use it for different purposes.

Rosemary properties for different problems

The best thing about rosemary is that it can be used internally or externally. The part that is used from this medicinal plant are the flowering tops and the leaves.

With them, we can make different remedies that can help us alleviate various problems. Next, we are going to see some of them. We will first talk about those that are “internal” and then the external ones.

Note : Remember that natural remedies can help alleviate the symptoms of different conditions but in no way replace medical care and treatment prescribed by a specialist.

Rosemary properties

Internal uses of rosemary

Orally, the properties of rosemary could stimulate the central nervous system, according to data from a 2018 article. While that research refers to rosemary water, its benefits could be inferred.

In natural medicine, rosemary is also often used to relieve digestive problems, including gas and heartburn, as well as to relieve headaches. However, there are no conclusive data in this regard.

In particular, this plant contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that would serve to stimulate the functions of the immune system and reduce the risk of infections.

In various scientific investigations it has been confirmed that the antioxidants contained in rosemary could have an important impact on the inhibition of the damage caused by free radicals.

Now, it is important that, even if we have these types of problems, we always prioritize any solution that the doctor gives us to treat our disease. Rosemary should be a help, never a substitute for what our doctor may prescribe.

To prepare a recipe that can help us with this type of problem, and some more, we must follow the following recipe to make a rosemary tea.


  • Rosemary leaves
  • Honey bee.


  1. Add a teaspoon of rosemary leaves to a saucepan filled with water.
  2. Put it on the fire and let it boil.
  3. Once it reaches the boiling point, let it rest for 10 minutes.
  4. We strain the leaves, put the result in a cup and add honey.

This infusion could, for example, help relieve stomach pain and you can ingest it at any time of the day. Due to the aforementioned analgesic properties that are attributed to rosemary, it would also be useful if we have a headache or suffer from migraines.

External uses of rosemary

Rosemary oil

The external uses of rosemary are very diverse, since this plant can be used in different ways in our home. Let’s look at some options:

  • Essential oil : it is used as a healing, antiseptic and analgesic. We can apply it by gently massaging any wound or on the legs if we suffer from poor circulation. It may also help relieve the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, according to some studies, although its results are not conclusive.
  • Veterinary : if we have any animal in the home that needs to be dewormed relatively frequently, rosemary oil could help us with this since it would act on the parasites.
  • Aromatic product : we can use rosemary oil in an infuser to give our home a refreshing and relaxing smell.

Natural home fragrance

As we have seen that one of the properties of rosemary is its pleasant aroma, we are going to see a very useful recipe that will allow us to make our own natural air freshener for the home.


  • Rosemary leaves
  • Vanilla.
  • Lemon.


  1. Mix a tablespoon of rosemary leaves, a lemon and a little vanilla with water.
  2. Put this mixture over low heat for a few hours.
  3. We will monitor the water level so that it does not dry out.

The aroma that we will obtain will be refreshing and will give a very personal touch to our home. In addition, it is a very natural option, perfect if we have children or animals at home.


We must warn that the products of this plant should not be consumed in excess. Although the properties of rosemary can be beneficial, everything in too high a quantity can be harmful to health even if it is natural.

Also, we have to be very careful to use rosemary during pregnancy or lactation. Before doing so, it is better to discuss it with our doctor to confirm whether or not we can do this.

We hope that all these properties of rosemary allow you to make good use of this plant and benefit from everything it can offer you. Of course, consult your doctor if you have any questions.

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