Remedy With Propolis, Lemon Peel And Honey Against Colds

Colds are inflammations of the mucosa of the respiratory system, especially in the areas of the throat and nose. They are caused by a virus, bacteria or allergy. They are characterized by increased mucus, cough, fever, and muscle aches.

In this article we introduce you to a powerful natural remedy based on propolis, lemon peel and honey to fight colds effectively and without side effects. 

Avoid colds

Woman with a thermometer in her hand

In times of excess we are more prone to colds and other health problems. Food is essential to keep our defenses high against any virus or bacteria.

But many people relax on vacation days. If they have also suffered a time of stress, this is the time when the body is vulnerable to any pathogen.

Colds are one of the most common conditions and, although they are usually overcome without problems, they can prevent us from enjoying the days off. Therefore, we must have natural remedies on hand to help us combat and even prevent any disorder.

Three healing ingredients

Before seeing how to prepare a remedy to prevent and cure colds, we are going to know the medicinal properties of propolis, lemon and honey. Try to always have them on hand.


Propolis is one of the most effective natural antibiotics that we can take without the risk of suffering any side effects, for example, on the intestinal flora.

Propolis is the resin that bees extract from tree buds and use to coat hives. In this way, they protect them from all kinds of pathogens, among other structural functions.

The healing virtues of this natural extract have been known since ancient times. A product that the ancient Egyptians already used for embalming. In addition, it serves to heal wounds, promote healing and relieve pain. 

Lemon peel

Lemon to cure colds

Lemon is a very powerful citrus fruit to maintain health and prevent many diseases. It is a great antioxidant.  Despite being acidic, it has the property of alkalizing our body, which helps us stay healthy.

Lemon is one of the best remedies to prevent and treat colds. And it can be combined with infusions, broths and other supplements to take advantage of its purifying and revitalizing virtues.

It should also be noted that the peel of lemon has many more healing properties, nutritious and aromatic pulp. Therefore, it will be very suitable for any medicinal remedy.

Honey bee

Jar of honey to relieve colds

Honey, besides being a much healthier sweetener than white sugar, is a very nutritious food rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes.

Thanks to these nutritional values, honey is a powerful antioxidant with antiseptic and bactericidal properties. They are very suitable properties to combat and prevent any type of infection.

We recommend always choosing quality honey. If possible, we will choose the one that is hardened, to ensure that it has not been subjected to high temperatures, which would reduce its properties. We can heat it in a water bath to make it liquid.

A home remedy for colds

We already explain how to develop a remedy to alleviate cold symptoms and help prevent them. It is very easy to do and has no side effects. Take note.


  • 3 teaspoons of propolis extract (15 g)
  • Peeling of an organic lemon
  • 3 tablespoons of honey (75 g)
  • A glass of water (200 ml)

We recommend that the lemon is organic. Otherwise, they usually carry waxes and pesticides that can be harmful to health if we consume the peel.


  • We will wash the lemon well, peel it and beat its peel with the water.
  • We will strain this drink, which we will mix with propolis and honey.
  • If the honey is hardened, we can heat it in a water bath.
  • We will keep this preparation in the fridge for a maximum of two weeks.

How do we take it?

We can take this remedy in a different way. It all depends on what the objective is:

  • To prevent and as maintenance take a tablespoon on an empty stomach.
  • To cure a cold, take three tablespoons a day, one before each main meal. As we notice improvement we can reduce the tablespoons to the maintenance dose.

This simple natural remedy combines the properties of three very beneficial ingredients for health. Do not hesitate to have it prepared and take it when the cold starts to arrive to prevent colds.

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