Properties Of Different Types Of Tea

White tea, like black, has a higher amount of antioxidants. That is why it could help prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles.

There are many types of tea that exist in the world, as are its benefits, ways of preparing and even its colors. The Camellia sinensis tea plant has been cultivated for thousands of years and its leaves have been used medicinally. Tea is used as a popular beverage throughout the world.

Here we present the different types of tea that there are and their respective properties. Do you like to drink this drink? Keep reading!

Different types of tea

This Chinese drink has many years of tradition. In addition, we are increasingly getting to know the great variety of infusions that exist. These delight us with different flavors, smells and colors.

However, we cannot forget the medicinal properties that have been attributed to it over the centuries. However, these are only indicative, so they do not replace any medical treatment or a healthy lifestyle and diet.

Remember that in the case of suffering from any type of disease mentioned, it is essential to go to the doctor to recommend the most appropriate treatment according to the case. These teas could be supportive, as long as the doctor endorses it.


This type of infusion is very unusual. This is because the orchards are planted under the shade of the mountains. In this way, the generation of chlorophyll is avoided. White tea, which is considered a variety of green tea, is mainly consumed in China and is highly valued for its flavor.

The flavonoids and polyphenols in tea are well known for their extraordinary antioxidant activity. The main quality of white tea is that it contains more antioxidants than any other variety, so it can be effective in preventing premature skin wrinkles.

According to a study, among green, white and black teas, the anti-wrinkle activity of white and black tea was indicated to be greater than that of green tea.


Blue tea

When we talk about blue tea or oolong tea, we are talking about the middle ground between green and black. This is because its flavor is similar to that of green, but without that sensation of pastoral grass on the palate. On the other hand, the similarity to black tea lies in the color.

This variety is believed to support the immune system . Some research suggests that it may help reduce the risk of heart and vascular disease, protect teeth and bones, and act as an antioxidant and antibacterial agent.


Yellow tea is obtained once all the leaves have been collected and allowed to ferment. In this way it acquires its picturesque color. This infusion provides folic acid and vitamins such as B, B1, B2 and the famous vitamin C.

However, despite its benefits, this variety tends to stain teeth. Therefore, it is recommended to wash them each time it is ingested.


Black tea

Have you ever tried it? It is possible that your answer is yes, because if we talk about black tea, we are talking about the most widespread variety in the West. This gets its name because without pouring it into boiling water, its leaves are already black. Continuing with this drink we must say that it graduates into three categories, which are: Ceylon, Assam, and Darjeeling.

This type of tea is diuretic, stimulating almost like a cup of coffee and also antioxidant. Some research suggests that its consumption could help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.


Now we talk about green tea. Its color is due to the fact that it is collected when it still contains chlorophyll and is quickly dried. We must also say that it is the second most popular in the world.

According to some data, long-term consumption of tea catechins could be beneficial against obesity induced by a high-fat diet and type II diabetes, and could reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.


Red tea

The value of red tea varies depending on how long it has been processed. Its color is due to the fact that it is dried on copper pots.

Despite its great benefits, this infusion is  not recommended for pregnant women, children and people with very strenuous medical treatments.


This drink is extracted from the rooibos bush; here comes the curious part and it is that in reality rooibos is not a tea as such. However, it is known that way thanks to its resemblance. In fact, it appears in the classification of these drinks because it is marketed as such.

Rooibos contains antioxidants, but not caffeine, unlike the others, and this contributes to the relaxation of the nervous system.

Different types of tea for all tastes

Now that you know the different types of tea that exist, you can try them and stay with the one you like the most. Remember that they should not be consumed as a substitute for the treatment proposed by a doctor.

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