Prepare Homemade Fruit Yogurt With This Simple Recipe

Surely you already know that to enjoy a good quality of life it is necessary to take care of our body in various ways, among which food stands out. Consequently, recipes that help us achieve our purpose, such as homemade fruit yogurt, never hurt.

The good thing about this type of preparation is that they have many variants and are easily adapted to our preferences. We don’t like raisins? Nothing happens, it is not necessary to add all the nuts that exist, we can choose the ones that we most want.

yogurt with strawberries

The important thing is the proportion that we use of the ingredients to achieve a balanced mixture. Remember that if we overdo the ingredients, we will tend to add more calories to the diet, which is harmful. Therefore, always make sure to moderate your portions. Do you dare to prepare it?

About the consumption of homemade yogurt with fruit

Homemade fruit yogurt, like any other dairy, should be consumed in a relatively short period of time.  Even if it keeps well in the refrigerator, it is best not to let it spend more than 3 days there.

Now, if we want to enjoy a delicious homemade fruit yogurt, it will be necessary to have fresh ingredients for the result to be satisfactory. Another recommendation when eating it is to cool the yogurt well beforehand. So we can enjoy its freshness to the fullest.

Learn how to prepare homemade fruit yogurt

To get a balanced, energizing, nutritious breakfast that also satisfies your appetite, there is no better option than a homemade fruit yogurt. In fact, a study published in the medical journal Advances in Nutrition suggests that mixing yogurt with fruit has prebiotic and probiotic effects that benefit health.

Also, this publication highlights that yogurt is a source of dairy proteins, calcium, magnesium, vitamin B-12, linoleic acid and other fatty acids. For its part, the fruit provides antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that improve the quality of the diet. Therefore, the union of both ingredients is a great option to take care of yourself with your diet.

1. Homemade yogurt with strawberries

Without a doubt, strawberries are one of the best fruits to accompany yogurt. Not only do they taste delicious, they are rich in nutrients. A review published in Food & Function highlights that strawberries are rich in vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and phenolic acids. 

Therefore, its consumption promotes health and helps in the prevention of diseases. Specifically, they help combat oxidative stress and minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and inflammation. Of course, they are energetic and perfect to start the day. Try this recipe!


  • 4 cups of full liquid milk (500 mL).
  • 4 tablespoons of natural base yogurt (200 g).
  • 2 cups of chopped strawberries (200 g).
  • 5 tablespoons of honey (50 g).
  • Coconut grated.


  • In a saucepan over medium heat, place to heat over milk. Avoid getting it to the boiling point, since the idea is only to heat it a little.
  • Once the milk is ready, turn off the heat and add the natural yogurt. Stir with a spoon to mix well, then transfer to a glass container with a lid.
  • Leave the container for about 3 hours in a warm place.
  • Over time, you will take the container to the refrigerator for a whole night. The next day you will finish the preparation.
  • Remove the base yogurt from the refrigerator and stir it with a spoon. Add the honey, continuing to stir.
  • To add the pieces of strawberries, there are 2 options: you can just add them to the creamy mixture and stir, or prepare a jam and spread. In case of choosing the last option, you should take the pieces of strawberries and with 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 cup of water, boil over low heat and mix until you get the jam.
  • Let everything rest until it reaches room temperature and enjoy. As a final touch, you can sprinkle a little coconut zest on top.

children yogurt and cereals

2. Homemade fruit and cereal yogurt

In this case, the benefits of yogurt are enhanced by the nutritional properties of oats, almonds and fruits such as banana, kiwi and orange. For starters, and consistent with information published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology , oats are rich in dietary fiber, protein, fatty acids, and vitamins and minerals.

For its part, a study published in Nutrients highlights that almonds contain protein, carbohydrates, fiber, minerals and vitamins. Finally, fruits are ideal in all diets. In fact, its consumption is one of the recommended habits to prevent diseases.


  • 1 cup of rolled oats (100 g).
  • 3 cups of natural yogurt base (300 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of almonds (20 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of cinnamon (20 g).
  • 2 medium bananas (175 g).
  • 1/2 orange without skin (60 g).
  • 3 slices of kiwi (25 g).


  • Make sure you wash and cut all the fruits into small pieces (preferably into cubes of about 2 centimeters).
  • Take the cups of plain yogurt and pour them into a container.
  • Now, introduce the fruits and proceed to mix with a spoon. Repeat with the almonds and oat flakes.
  • Once everything is well mixed, add the tablespoon of cinnamon and stir again so that it does not accumulate in a single point.
  • Although it is not recommended to add more ingredients, if you like, you can add half a teaspoon of honey to give it a sweeter touch.

Still not consuming yogurt with fruit as part of your diet? As you can see, it is a very healthy option to take care of yourself in terms of weight and health. In addition, you can vary the fruit according to your preferences.

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