Prepare Gelatin With The Seaweed Agar Agar

Agar agar is an algae with supposed beneficial health properties. We can also use it as jelly in the kitchen. In this article, we explain how to cook this seaweed, which will allow us to prepare healthy and simple recipes without other ingredients such as cream or egg.

Learn how to prepare fruit jellies, chocolate mousse, sweets or an amazing coffee pudding flan. Join us and discover how!

How is agar agar cooked?

hedonistin agar agar

This flan will be very attractive to the eye and we can also present it as an original, light and refreshing dessert.

We will prepare the agar agar with slightly sweetened coffee and put it in a mold to cool. We can use a large and elongated mold or individual cups. When it is cold we will make another preparation using, in equal parts, milk and condensed milk, which we will add to the already curdled dessert.

The effect will be two-color, black and white. If we want to make it even more original, when we have the coffee already in the container but still liquid, we will incline it slightly, placing it on some low object, and in this way it will appear set diagonally.

Healthy gummies with agar agar

chooyutshing agar

As we have discussed, the amount of agar will determine the hardness of the gelatin. That is why we propose you to invent healthy sweets of different textures and flavors. We will need silicone molds for chocolates.

For the ingredients we can use edible colorants and syrups. Either jams or essential oils for edible use.

If we want the same gummy to have more than one color, we will fill half of the molds with a flavor and color. Then we will put it to cool. When it is curdled, we will add the other liquid. We propose some combinations:

  • Chocolate and mint syrup
  • Strawberry and milk jam
  • Orange marmalade and orange essential oil (to enhance the flavor)

Finally we can coat the gummies in sugar. Enjoy them!

Chocolate mousse with agar agar

An easy way to make chocolate mousse. Ingredients such as cream or egg are avoided in this recipe  .

It consists of melting chocolate until it melts. Then, we can add a little water, milk or vegetable drink, and we will boil briefly with the agar agar. Later we will let cool in the containers that we want.

We can also place cookies on top and later, when unmolding, have a sponge-like base.

Images courtesy of high over happy, chooyutshing and hedonistin

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