Pregnant In Summer, How Do You Cope With High Temperatures?

We are in the middle of summer, a heat wave in much of the country. Most of us have the best we can, but it is true that high temperatures are worse during pregnancy. What can a pregnant woman do in summer to better cope with the heat?

Next, we are going to give some tips and tricks so that pregnant women can cope with the months in which the thermometer is at maximum:

How to endure the heat if you are pregnant in summer?

There are some tricks that could help you to better cope with your pregnancy in the summer. Of course, none of these replace the indications that a professional can offer us.

Pregnant in summer: hydrate well

During pregnancy it is important to stay hydrated. It is best to consult with your doctor about the amount of water that should be consumed in each case. Either way, it is recommended to drink a little more than normal due to weight gain and energy intake in the later stages of pregnancy.

According to the British Nutrition Foundation, water is essential to produce the fluid that surrounds the baby in pregnancy and to help increase its blood volume. Also, if morning sickness is the case, then even more will need to be drunk to compensate for the fluid loss.

Solar protection

Due to hormonal changes, it is common for spots to appear on the skin (chloasma, linea alba …), it is important that you avoid the central hours of the day and use sunscreen with a high protection factor, even if the sun does not affect you directly.

Pregnant applying sunscreen.

Dive into the water

If you are lucky enough to have the sea or the pool close by, it may be positive to take a bath for a while. You can swim and take the opportunity to do some exercise, or simply stay in the water and perform some movement. In immersion the joints move freely, and the weight of the abdomen due to the growth of the uterus and the baby will get along better.

You will also feel relief if you have lower back pain or discomfort. Also, sure that when you get out of the water you will notice your legs less swollen. Of course, do not stay for a long time with the wet swimsuit, as there may be a risk of vaginal or urinary infection.

Lymphatic drainage

If you notice tired or swollen legs, see a physical therapist for a lymphatic drainage massage. Your legs will probably feel much lighter and you will be able to put your shoes back on.

What to do if I go on a trip?

If you are pregnant in summer and you plan to travel and go on vacation, these are the tips you can take into account:

  • Ask the airline until what week they allow you to travel. Sometimes they ask for a document from the midwife or gynecologist in which they specify that yours is a low-risk pregnancy and the weeks of gestation. If you do it by car, stop every two hours maximum and get out of the car to move a little.
  • Take your pregnancy reports with you to your vacation spot.
  • Be careful if you eat at a beach bar or take a picnic to the field or the beach. Prevention of possible food poisoning is important.
  • Get moderate exercise, as it is important to stay in shape throughout your pregnancy. Exercise helps drain fluid retention and keep the pelvis mobile. However, you need some precautions, such as avoiding the peak hours of heat, staying well hydrated and listening to your body. Lastly, a word of advice, avoid all pelvic floor impact sports.

Pregnant prepared to travel in summer.

And, above all, keep in mind that, even if they are a complicated few months, they will be worth it. Do the activities that make you feel better, always with caution, and put into practice the advice we have given you. Of course, do not hesitate to consult with your doctor if you think you may have a problem. Cheer up!

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