Pain In Arms And Legs: Why Is It?

Has it ever happened to you? Those days when you come home with horrible pain in your arms and legs, a very acute heaviness that prevents you from even moving and forces you, even if you don’t want to, to have to rest.

It is important to note that it is a very common type of ailment and that, in general, it is due to a muscular overload or simple fatigue at the end of the day. It is not usually of major importance. However, we should start to worry if these discomforts are continuous and last for months.

Let’s talk about this topic today, about pain in the arms and legs.

Causes that can cause pain in arms and legs

Limb pain is a really common type of ailment. It doesn’t matter how old we are. Furthermore, the youngest population, between 8 and 17 years old, usually suffers it due to growth and these phases of physical changes where the extremities undergo variations as said structures mature.

And what about the adult population? What is the cause of this pain in the arms and legs? Let’s see.

1. Colds and flu

Woman with flu and pain in arms and legsPain in the arms and legs can appear days before the flu or cold is evident with all its symptoms. This ailment is part of the typical picture of these seasonal diseases that we have all experienced.

Now, you may wonder why it also affects the extremities and why we suffer from such acute muscle pain. All this is due to the viral infection that our body suffers and the reaction that it produces to defend itself.

A large number of lymphocytes are released to fight against this internal enemy but, in turn, this defensive release causes a rise in temperature and the release of inflammatory molecules (prostaglandins). And all this leads to the classic pain in the legs, arms, general malaise and fever.

So, it is very possible that before the cold or flu arrives, you will have that pain in the arms and legs as the first symptoms.

2. Joint pain

Joint pain areas

A very common cause from the age of 50. We cannot forget that the arms and legs are the parts of the body that we use the most throughout the day, and that they are made up of complex joints that, for various reasons, become inflamed or worn out.

This causes heaviness, fatigue, a very particular burning in the thigh area and also in the shoulder area. In other words, the pain is not exclusively concentrated in the joint, but usually radiates to the entire muscle and the entire limb.

3. Blood circulation problems

Woman massaging her legs

Generally, arm and leg pain associated with poor blood circulation  is accompanied by other symptoms that you should be aware of. Take note:

  • Numbness of the arms and legs, accompanied by cramps that reach the hands and feet.
  • Appearance of some leg ulcers.
  • Loss of strength in the hands, noticing that we drop things frequently.
  • Headaches.
  • Bluish hue on the nails.
  • Dizziness as soon as we get up.
  • Feel heaviness in the legs and sometimes notice our hands and fingers swollen.
  • Varicose veins on the legs.

Pay attention to these types of signs that always accompany poor blood circulation. It is very important, especially if you sometimes feel strong tachycardia and choking. In this case, you should see a doctor immediately, because it would be a sign of a heart problem. Do not forget!

4. Possible fibromyalgia

When talking about fibromyalgia, we must take into account if this pain in the arms and legs is something continuous, if we suffer it over several months and if this sometimes prevents us from being able to carry our normal work rhythm.

However, it is also important to take into account this series of associated symptoms:

  • The pain is accompanied by great fatigue.
  • There are really painful points on the body, such as the hips, the neck, the clavicle, the elbow joints, the knee area and the part of the buttocks.
  • It is also very difficult to sleep and one of the most critical hours of the day is in the morning, when we have to get up.
  • You suffer from migraines, small memory losses, and difficulty concentrating.

To conclude, note that, in general, pain in the arms and legs is due to simple fatigue and usually appears late in the day. However, as we have indicated, the moment you notice that these pains lengthen and prevent you from leading a normal life, it will be time to go to the doctor.

Never forget to try to lead a healthy life, eat properly, and get some exercise. Properly managing our stress also avoids this type of overload that always tends to be located in musculoskeletal areas.

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