Onion To Relieve Cough, Flu And Allergies

Onion remedy to improve respiratory health can help in case of flu, allergy and cough. However, it is by no means a substitute for medical treatment. Do you want to know what it consists of? Find out!

Continual changes in the weather, especially in cold weather, weaken the body’s immune system and, in turn, increase the risk of flu and respiratory illnesses. We bring you an onion-based remedy to combat your symptoms.

Although it is important to know that natural remedies are not a substitute for medical treatment, we can take them into account as adjuvants to improve symptoms. Of course, we have to be attentive to any complications, as the intervention of the doctor may be necessary.

Onion remedy to calm coughs, flu and allergies


Onion is one of the best known and most used vegetables since ancient times. Valued for its nutritional composition, it is an essential food in hundreds of culinary and medicinal recipes.

According to information in Phytotherapy Research , it has a high concentration of sulfurous substances that, in addition to its particular flavor, gives it antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, favorable in the treatment of many specific discomforts.

It provides significant amounts of vitamins A and C, which are necessary for the strengthening of the immune system and its fight against pathogens that affect health, according to a study published in the journal Nutrients

Why use onion for coughs, flu and allergies?

Onion has been used since ancient times as a supplement to combat respiratory problems such as coughs, flu and allergies. In fact, a European Medicines Agency publication refers to these benefits.

However, it is important to clarify that, like any natural remedy, the evidence on its safety and efficacy is limited. Therefore, it is not a first-line treatment for diseases and should be consumed in moderation within a balanced diet.

In general, onion is attributed antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that could be beneficial to calm coughs, congestion and other symptoms caused by the presence of viruses and bacteria in the body. 

On the other hand, onion contains a substance known as quercetin, which has been shown to have positive effects against allergies, according to research published in the journal Molecules .

How to prepare this natural remedy with onion?

If you decide to try this remedy with onion to alleviate the cough and the symptoms of flu and allergies, keep in mind that you should not stop taking the remedies prescribed by the doctor. Even if you are under any special treatment, you should ask him beforehand to rule out interactions.


  • 3 onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • One lemon’s juice
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g) (optional)


  • First, peel the onions and cut them into several pieces.
  • Then, take them to the blender and mix them with the juice of one lemon and two cloves of garlic.
  • After obtaining a thick paste, wipe it through a cloth and store the juice.
  • If you notice that it is too thick, add a couple of tablespoons of water and blend again.
  • After obtaining the remedy, store it in a glass jar for 24 hours.
  • Finally, and optionally, you can sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey when serving.

Consumption mode

  • At the first signs of respiratory discomfort, take a tablespoon of the remedy every four hours.
  • Once better, eat two tablespoons a day.
  • If you want to use it as a preventive, take a tablespoon on an empty stomach.

To keep in mind!

Due to the lack of evidence, this remedy may be more or less effective in calming the aforementioned symptoms, therefore, it must always be consumed as a complement to the treatment of discomfort (flu, cold, allergy, etc.) the framework of a healthy diet, in which the variety and balance of nutrients predominate.

Also, if the cough or the clinical manifestations of the flu and allergy are severe, it is best to consult the doctor and learn about other treatment options. 

Finally, you must always bear in mind that you should not eat more onion than the recommended amount, as it can be counterproductive in some cases. By adding more onion to a remedy, healing will not be achieved sooner.

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