Oats And Spirulina: Two Good Ingredients In A Balanced Diet

Sometimes, to enjoy different preparations, we can resort to incorporating ingredients such as oats or spirulina in some of our recipes.

The combination of oats and spirulina is becoming more and more common. In fact, they are no longer only found in smoothies and vegetable smoothies, but also in other types of recipes (such as pancakes, for example).

Many times people look in the mirror and think that the time has come to adopt a healthier lifestyle in order to have a better quality of life. That’s when they start looking for ways to prepare healthy, filling meals that provide all the nutrients they need.

However, to improve eating habits it is necessary to have the recommendations of a doctor or a nutritionist, since it must be borne in mind that not all diets are suitable for everyone and, in addition, their own needs must be taken into account to be able to choose the best option.

Despite the differences, in general terms it could be said that the idea is to eat without losing a nutritional balance.

The oats

Oatmeal is a cereal that contains fiber, nutrients, protein, and healthy fats. For this reason, we can incorporate it regularly into our diet and enjoy it in many ways (one of them would be accompanying it with spirulina).

Being a food that would be beneficial to start the day with energy, we recommend consuming it in the following ways:

  • Oat drink: you can buy it or prepare it at home and process it together with cocoa powder, spirulina, fruits, nuts, etc.
  • Cooked oats : the preparation would be like rice pudding, but using only oats. You can cook this cereal for a few minutes in its own drink, adding cinnamon and a pinch of ginger. This recipe is especially recommended for cold days, as it will warm us up.
  • Ideal complete breakfast to avoid being hungry: we will mix two tablespoons of ground oatmeal together with a little fresh cheese, seeds, lemon juice, a handful of fruits, dried fruits and a tablespoon of honey. In turn, we can also add a little fresh fruit.
  • In vegetable creams: we can add a handful of oat flakes to vegetable creams to give them that touch of creaminess and consistency instead of using dairy or potatoes.

    oat spoon

    See: What does oatmeal add to your diet? 5 benefits

    A balanced diet is the key to maintaining good health in addition to a healthy weight. For this reason, whenever you have doubts about how to structure it, it is best to consult your doctor.


    Spirulina is a microalgae that was once considered a “superfood” by the UN to help fight hunger in less developed countries. Among some of the positive effects it has for health, its hypocholesterolemic, antioxidant, glucose modulator and immune system strengthening activity stand out.

    Today it is used as a supplement since nutrition experts clarify that spirulina is not a miracle product either.

    In fact, the chemist and scientific popularizer J. M Mulet emphasizes that it must be incorporated into a complete and balanced diet for the correct absorption of all its minerals.

    However, if we want to enjoy its flavor from time to time, we can add it to a smoothie or to the mixture to prepare pancakes and cakes.

    How to include oats and spirulina in the diet?

    At the moment, it is suggested that spirulina is a safe dietary supplement without significant side effects, but specialists note that its role as a reliable drug is still in the testing phase.

    Therefore, it is not recommended to consume spirulina tablets or powders on a daily basis. However, and in the event that we wish to do so, the most appropriate thing to do is to tell the doctor sufficiently in advance and take his advice into account.

    Although oats and spirulina are two ingredients that we can enjoy in a balanced diet, they should never be seen as substitutes for other foods. You cannot establish a healthy diet with just two foods, as doing so would lead to nutritional deficiencies and other decompensations.

    For this reason, it is important to eat in a varied way and, if in doubt, it is best to consult a doctor or nutritionist. The professional will indicate what is the most suitable for us, according to our objectives and physiological characteristics.

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