Oat Milk: Properties And Benefits

Oat milk is a good alternative for those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, who do not want to consume more beverages of animal origin or who suffer from lactose intolerance. In any case, oat milk is an excellent natural choice, i ven for the smallest of the house, for its nutritional richness and the benefits. But you may have already asked yourself the following question: why is it called oat milk when, in reality, it is not dairy?

We could say that this name is more of an advertising purpose, probably derived from the appearance of the soy drink. Many people tend to identify it this way. However, its correct name is oatmeal drink or vegetable oat drink.

Contributions of oat milk

Nutritional information for oat milk

In 100 ml of oat milk we can find the following nutrients:

  • 1 g of protein.
  • 0.04 g of sodium.
  • 0% cholesterol.
  • 0% lactose.
  • 1.5 g of fat (42% are polyunsaturated).
  • 9.7% fibers.

Due to its characteristics, we can see that it is a beneficial food for those who cannot consume lactose or have shown high levels of fat in the blood. The only detail that must be taken into account when purchasing this product is that it does not have added sugars. Otherwise the nutritional value of it would be worsened. You must remember that there is sufficient scientific evidence to associate the regular intake of sugars with a worse state of health.

Nutritional properties of oat milk

Oat cereals in a bowl

Oat milk is a drink rich in essential nutrients and which, in turn, provides a wide variety of benefits and properties.

  • Fiber

The oatmeal drink contains amounts of fiber, essential for the proper functioning of the intestines,  useful to regulate intestinal transit and to prevent or treat constipation.

  • Carbohydrates

It is a drink that provides energy, especially its high content of healthy carbohydrates. In fact, 100 grams of this drink provide almost 10 grams of complex carbohydrates.

  • High protein content

The oatmeal drink stands out for its high protein content, although obviously,  compared to beverages of animal origin, such as cow’s milk, its contribution is much lower. However, 1 glass of oat milk provides 2 grams of protein.

  • High in B vitamins

We are facing a drink rich in B vitamins, essential for the proper functioning of our nervous system.

  • Presence of essential amino acids

Oat milk contains essential amino acids, which help the body in the formation of new tissues and the maintenance of the muscular and nervous system.

  • High calcium content

Although calcium is usually associated with dairy products of animal origin, did you know that 100 grams of oat milk provide 120 mg of calcium? This mineral contributes to the health of the bones, maintaining their formation so that they grow healthy and strong. In any case, do not forget that to guarantee the absorption of this nutrient it is necessary to ingest the recommended daily amount of vitamin D. In fact, research published in the journal JAMA associates supplementation with this nutrient with increased bone density.

Health benefits

Oat grains in a wooden spoon and a glass with oatmeal drink

Everything that is known today confirms or expands some of the knowledge of popular medicine, and allows us to affirm that oats are an effective food for maintaining health or helping to recover it.

1. Lower cholesterol

The oatmeal drink does not provide cholesterol, and in fact it is an excellent drink when it comes to helping the body reduce high levels of fat in the blood. Not only cholesterol, but triglycerides as well.

In addition, as it has been studied, the regular consumption of oats prevents obesity and reduces the distribution of abdominal fat,  as stated in a study published in the journal Plants Foods for Human Nutrition.

2. Helps to purify the body

Oat milk is purifying, so it is ideal to help us maintain good health and a clean body. In the same way, it helps us lose weight, because it helps us end what we do not need.

3. Control the sugar

It stimulates the activity of the pancreas, it is a source of slow assimilation carbohydrates and fiber. Therefore, it is recommended for non-insulin-dependent diabetics  as it helps stabilize blood sugar. Taking it at breakfast, for example, helps maintain better glycemic control.

4. Protection against cancer

Some studies carried out in the United States seem to link the consumption of oat milk with some protection against some types of cancer, such as colon, breast or prostate . This is especially important at a time when the death rate from different cancers is increasing year after year.

5. On digestive health

Many people with a  digestive ulcer  drink oatmeal drink daily to relieve their symptoms. It is also useful in case of heartburn, gastritis, constipation (in whole grain decoction) or diarrhea (in shelled grain decoction) and flatulence.

Include oats in the diet

Finally, we hope this information has been useful to you. Try to introduce this vegetable drink to your diet, we are sure that it will bring you great benefits. Anyway, remember that the best way to include oats in your diet is to eat them as such. In the case of opting for the drink, make sure that it does not contain added sugars.

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