Natural Treatments To Combat Depression

Among other alternatives, physical exercise is one of the guidelines you can follow to combat depression.

Given the multiple factors that can influence our state of mind, knowing the strategies we can follow to combat depression is presented as the first key to promoting emotional well-being.

In turn, seeking professional help is essential if the discomfort is persistent and causes a great interference in daily functioning.

Keep reading this article and you will know some natural remedies to tackle it.

Why do we get depressed?

Depression is an emotional disorder characterized above all by depression and deep sadness. Triggers most commonly associated with these symptoms include the following:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Trauma from accident, rape, or tragedy.
  • Death of a loved one.
  • Stress.
  • Sentimental disappointment.
  • Labor and / or economic problems.
  • Toxic substance abuse (alcohol and / or drugs).
  • Bad streaks in life or vital crises.

In fact, as we see, stress also affects psychological health, so learning to manage it is part of the way forward.

In this sense, an investigation by the group of Matthew J. Zawadzki obtained revealing results.

Natural remedies to fight depression

Remedy 1: eat plantains or bananas

Although there is no scientific evidence to support its effectiveness, eating bananas is a popular remedy for depression.

In any case, the banana contains different vitamins (A, C, E and group B) and minerals (potassium, calcium and phosphorus) necessary for the body, so including it in our diet is, in turn, a healthy decision .

Remedy 2: garlic mash

This mixture is frequently used to combat depression. However, there are no consistent findings to demonstrate its effect in reducing symptoms.

If you want to prepare it, these would be the ingredients:

  • Fresh garlic
  • Apple vinager.
  • Mineral water.
  • Honey.

Peel the garlic and chop it into pieces. Place them in a container with a wide mouth that you can close and cover them with the vinegar and the water that you will add in equal parts.

Then add the honey and close the jar. You should keep it in a cool, dark place for at least a week, stirring it every day.

To finish, filter the macerate through a muslin or linen cloth and store it in an airtight container.

Remedy 3: indulge in dark chocolate

The evidence is not firm on this, but dark chocolate is traditionally consumed in states of discouragement.

If you are one of those who gets lost in chocolate, it is also an option to take it as a stimulus in those most difficult moments.

Remedy 4: aloe syrup and honey

When melancholy invades you, when you feel that you have no energy left, this syrup can be an interesting alternative.

Although there are no studies that certify its ability to act on depression, the common recipe incorporates Aloe vera (aloe) leaves and honey.

To prepare it, first remove the thorns from the aloe vera. Then wash it and extract the pulp.

Then put the honey and Aloe in the blender and continue until you get a creamy drink.

Pour the mixture into a container and store it in a cool place.

Other remedies to combat depression

In addition to the previous solutions, there are other strategies that are based mainly on changing the habits that shape our lifestyle. Let’s see some of them.

Remedy 5: reduce sugar intake

As a University College London study suggests, a lower intake sugar is associated with better psychological health.

In this work it is observed that the components of the Sweet drinks have long-term consequences for emotional well-being.

The food we eat represent, therefore, a condition primary in which we can do much to care.

Remedy 6: perform physical exercises

A sedentary lifestyle is the basis of serious problems such as obesity, diabetes or cardiovascular disorders.

On the other hand, reviews such as the one carried out by José Luis Trejo and his team highlight how physical exercise can influence the state of mind.

Again, we verify that the modification of some routines, such as our activity level in this case, is presented as an elementary circumstance.

Reflections on how to combat depression

Although there are events that are beyond our control, there are still some alternatives that can help us find ourselves better.

In addition, it is important to remember that small variations in daily activities come to mean a great advance in our emotions and well-being.

In the face of discouragement, remember these keys and, of course, do not hesitate to ask for help if you need it. 

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