Natural Remedies To Treat Sunburn

Some natural ingredients have anti-inflammatory and cooling properties that help soothe sunburns. We tell you in detail how to use them.

Direct exposure to the sun at all times of the year can cause burns and sensitivity. Although these injuries are more frequent during the summer, those with sensitive skin can suffer them at any time. How to treat sunburn?

Today there are many products and treatments that help minimize this problem; However, some natural solutions that provide interesting benefits are also still in force. Here we share the best options. Give them a try!

What to know about sunburn

Sunburns are lesions of different sizes caused by exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays. They have characteristics similar to those produced by heat or fire. They are divided into three grades:

  • First (a pink or reddish spot)
  • Second (blisters)
  • Third (death of tissues and deep wounds, especially in sensitive areas such as the lips).

    It is very important not to stay in the sun at certain times to avoid sunburn and, in all cases, use a good protection factor, especially if you have white or sensitive skin. If not cured, sunburns can cause complications such as infections or melanomas.

    Natural remedies for sunburn

    Natural remedies to treat sunburn should only be used when the injury is superficial. If there are signs of any type of complication, it is essential to consult a doctor or dermatologist to give it an appropriate treatment.

    Cold milk

    Milk for sunburn.

    The cooling effect of cold milk can reduce the burning sensation caused by the burn. This, in turn, regulates skin pH and favors the cell regeneration process.

    How is it used?

    • In a cup, place cold milk (fresh from the fridge). Dip a cloth or gauze and apply it on the burned skin, for half an hour. Repeat every three hours approximately.

    Plain yogurt

    The lactic acid contained in natural yogurt can promote skin regeneration in the presence of sunburn. In fact, its direct application calms irritation and reduces redness and pain.

    How is it used?

    • Spread a little plain yogurt on the affected area. Let it act for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water. Repeat its application 2 or 3 times a day.


    sage for sunburn

    A lotion made from fresh sage leaves can help reduce symptoms of sunburn. This plant has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that revitalize the skin against these attacks.

    How is it used?

    • Prepare a concentrated infusion of sage leaves and let it cool. Then use the liquid to rinse the affected areas. Repeat its application until the wound heals.


    Rich in beta-carotenes, water and essential minerals, carrots are one of the best alternative solutions to heal burns. Not only does it reduce burning, but it stimulates cell regeneration and helps remove dead skin.

    How is it used?

    • Wash and peel a carrot. Then grind it until you get a puree. Rub it on the areas affected by burns. Finally, cover with gauze and let it act for three hours before removing.


    Oatmeal is one of the best natural ingredients to take care of the skin. Its nutrients help fight solar aggressions and reduce excess dryness. In addition, it removes dead cells and other impurities.

    How is it used?

    • Add half a cup of oatmeal to a tub of cold water. Stir well and immerse the body for 20 minutes.

      Sodium bicarbonate

      A simple treatment with baking soda can soothe the discomfort that comes from sunburn. Thanks to its properties, it removes dead cells, nourishes tissues and repairs aggressions.

      How is it used?

      • Fill the tub with cold water and add two tablespoons of baking soda to it. Remove and submerge the skin.
      • Finally, dry the affected area well and apply moisturizer.

      Egg white

      The proteins contained in egg white are useful to support the regeneration process of the skin after suffering a sunburn. In addition, it has an exfoliating effect that removes dead cells and impurities.

      How is it used?

      • Beat an egg white and mix it with a tablespoon of honey. Then clean the area you want to treat and rub in the mask. Let it act for 20 minutes and rinse.
      • Repeat its use 2 or 3 times a week, until you notice an improvement.

      Did you get a sunburn? Do not hesitate to choose any of the mentioned treatments to cure it. As you can see, they are very cheap and easy to make.

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