Medicinal Preparation Of Garlic And Olive Oil For Hypertension

We can take advantage of the properties of garlic with olive oil both to prevent and to treat high blood pressure, although we must also implement other measures to avoid risks

High blood pressure is a health disorder that we must control so that it does not lead to serious consequences. In addition to performing a medical follow-up, we can also resort to some very effective natural remedies.

In this article we share a medicinal remedy based on garlic and olive oil to reduce hypertension. In addition, the combination of these two ingredients will produce very positive effects on our health in general.

Control hypertension

Controlling hypertension is not just a matter of doctors and medications. We can notice a great improvement in a short time if we acquire these essential good habits:

  • A balanced diet, rich in vegetables, whole grains and legumes. We must reduce as much as possible processed foods with a high content of salt, fat, sugar and additives.
  • Prevent stress and negative emotions that alter our nervous system.
  • Eliminate tobacco and alcohol from our lives.
  • Fight sedentary lifestyle and exercise at least twice a week.

Arterial hypertension

Beneficial foods

To combat hypertension with a good diet we must consume good amounts of fruits and vegetables every day. We can cook them or eat them raw in the form of salads, juices and smoothies. We can get used to having a vegetable ration at each meal of the day.

In addition, there are some very beneficial foods that, thanks to their properties, can act very positively on blood pressure. Two of them are raw garlic and extra virgin olive oil, with which we are going to make a very effective remedy.


Garlic is a medicinal food with great virtues for our health. However, we must emphasize that to benefit from the virtues of allicin, its active compound, we must always eat it raw, not cooked.

Garlic is, above all, antioxidant, antiseptic, antibiotic and purifying. Consuming raw garlic every day raises our defenses and gives us great energy.

In this way, it is a great help to overcome any condition. In addition, if it is difficult for us to digest it, we can also find its oil in capsules.

The olive oil

Olive oil is one of the best vegetable oils that we can consume, thanks to its richness in essential fatty acids. Especially oleic acid.

Thanks to its nutrients it is a great vasodilator remedy. In this way  , it helps us prevent and improve cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, it is also one of the best options for cooking, along with coconut oil, since it resists high temperatures quite well without oxidizing. For this reason, although we must eat it raw as a remedy, we can also use it for cooking.

Medicinal preparation


  • 20 garlic cloves
  • 2 cups of extra virgin olive oil (500 ml)

    We will also need a glass container with hermetic closure. Ideally, it should have a slightly wide mouth so that we can make the preparation more easily and use it more times.

    garlic and olive oil for hypertension


    To prepare this remedy for hypertension we will follow the following steps:

    • Peel the garlic.
    • We can chop them or leave them whole.
    • Place them in the container and add the extra virgin olive oil, which should cover and exceed the garlic.
    • Close the bottle well and let the preparation marinate for 3 weeks in a cool, dry and dark place.
    • After this time, we can start consuming the remedy while the garlic continues its maceration process.

    How do we take it?

    • We can take a tablespoon of this preparation three times a day, half an hour before each meal, to reduce high blood pressure.
    • As a preventive measure, one tablespoon on an empty stomach a day will suffice.
    • We can also use this oil to flavor our recipes and enhance its flavor.

    Note: People with a sensitive stomach, hiatal hernia, or gastric ulcers may not tolerate this macerated oil well.

    Other properties

    In addition to being an excellent remedy to reduce high blood pressure, this remedy is effective for other disorders:

    • Strengthens our immune system thanks to its antiviral and antibacterial properties. It is a powerful natural antibiotic.
    • Improves blood flow and circulation.
    • It favors the expulsion of toxins from the body.
    • Reduces high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
    • Through its application we can soothe some pain, such as toothaches or ears.

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