Main Types And Varieties Of Grapes

There is no single type and that is why we can talk about grape varieties. It is one of the fruits with the most nutritional properties. It stands out for its sugar and antioxidant content.

In addition, it is possible to find different presentations on the market, each one with its peculiarities. Depending on the area in which it is grown, the organoleptic characteristics vary.

Before entering the matter, it should be noted that consuming grapes is not the same as drinking wine. Despite the fact that for many years the consumption of a glass of this concoction with meals has been advised, today it is known that the consumption of alcohol is harmful. It is best to eat them or use them in the kitchen.

Main types and varieties of grape

Next we are going to present what are the different grape varieties and their characteristics.

Red grape

The red grape is the most widespread. It stands out for its content in an antioxidant, resveratrol, capable of exerting a positive effect on health. According to a study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology , regular consumption of this phytonutrient is capable of protecting against the development of cardiovascular diseases.

However, red grapes also have a generous amount of sugar. For this reason, it is not recommended to abuse them.

It is best to eat this fruit for dessert to take advantage of the fiber and protein in the rest of the foods. This can delay gastric emptying and glucose absorption, which generates less impact on the pancreas. Within these varieties of grapes we can mention subtypes.

Red and white grapes.


It is the most common variety among Spanish grapes. It receives this name since it is collected early, shortly after spring. It has excellent organoleptic qualities for winemaking, which is why it is highly valued in the field of oenology.


The Mencía grape is a grape with a strong flavor that is used to make young wines, with a short fermentation time in the barrel. It has a high concentration of tannins, which is why consumption raw is beneficial for health.


The Syrah grape is a variety of grape used to make wines that result from the mixture of several different genres. It is usually combined with the Monastrell grape to generate high quality wines. Another of its characteristics is that its cultivation extends to several European countries, being frequent to find it in France.

White grape varieties

The white grape has a much lower concentration of tannins, so its antioxidant power is reduced. This is because these compounds are responsible, in part, for the dark coloration of the fruit. The less intense the color, the lower the phytonutrient content.

However, white grapes still have a significant amount of fiber. This substance has proven to be essential in order to guarantee adequate intestinal health. It is capable, among other things, of helping to prevent colon cancer. It also improves transit to avoid chronic constipation that cause discomfort.


The Airén grape is one of the most planted in Spain. It is used for the production of white wine and has the power to satisfactorily resist pests and times of drought, so its production remains fairly stable year after year.

In addition, it has the particularity that its cultivation does not require a great effort, so it is possible to obtain large quantities of wine with less dedication. In any case, the broths that are generated from this variety of grape are usually of the neutral type, so they are mixed with other concoctions from more varieties of fruit to provide aroma.


The Verdeojo grape is another characteristic grape of the Spanish territory. It is characterized by generating excessively stale wines, not suitable for all palates. However, a subtype of this grape, Pedro Ximénez, has a higher point of sweetness, which allows the elaboration of substances with a sweet touch.


The Albariño grape is a variety that is grown in Galicia, specifically in the Rías Baixas area. It has very particular organoleptic characteristics that make it unmistakable. In fact, winemakers around the world value it positively.


It is a very suitable grape for the formation of sweet wines or with fruit aromas. It is grown in various areas of the Spanish territory and can sometimes be combined with another type to generate unique wines.

Grapes for winemaking.

The varieties of grapes are many

As you have seen, it is common to find grapes of different types, which marks their organoleptic qualities. Despite the fact that one of the main uses of grapes is the production of wine, the most advisable for health is to consume them raw.

In this way, all the tannins in them are used, as well as the fiber. In addition, the formation of alcohol is avoided, a substance that has been shown to be harmful to health in the medium and long term.

In spite of everything, it must be borne in mind that European countries have a very outstanding wine production, recognized throughout the world. This wine is prestigious, and there is a culture around it. The different grape varieties can generate wines with characteristics that make them unique.

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