Learn How To Make Cement Sheets To Decorate Your Garden

If at any time you have thought about what to do with the leaves that result from the pruning of the plants, a very good alternative is to make cement leaves. This type of decoration is very fashionable. In addition, it is a craft that can be done as a family.

Among the most suitable plants is rhubarb. It has a large size and a fairly strong texture. It has been used in cooking and baking. But it is not the only one; you can use any size sheet and it all depends on your creativity.

Of course, keep in mind that the more natural details the sheet has, the better. In the case of large leaves it is necessary to use cement, but for small ones you can replace this material with clay.

Step by step to make your own cement sheets

We are going to teach you, step by step, how to make cement sheets so that you can decorate your garden or the space that you consider to be the home of these perennial elements.


  • Cement.
  • Sand.
  • Leaves the size of your choice.
  • A plastic container to prepare the cement.
  • Spatula.
  • Water.
  • Cardboard to make the working base.
Cement preparation.

Steps to follow

  1. Prune the plants in your garden and choose the leaves you want to decorate with. Cut them with a good stem and make sure they are not broken. The more complete and healthy your design will be better.
  2. Now, what you have to do is prepare the cement. So put the cement and sand in the plastic container, which should be twice the amount of cement. With the help of the spatula, stir very well. Ideally, before adding the water, the two materials are very well mixed.
  3. To facilitate the preparation, place only 3/4 of the cement with sand and all the amount of water recommended by the manufacturer of your product in the plastic container. Once it is homogeneously incorporated, place the rest of the cement with sand and stir to achieve a mixture at its ideal point.
  4. Time to prepare the leaves! Lay the cardboard on the floor or wherever you want to work and lay the first sheet on it with the back side up. In this way, the textured part will be more exposed.
  5. Now start pouring the cement onto the sheet. With the help of the spatula, use force so that the texture is well marked and remember that it must be a thick layer. This process must be done on all the sheets you want to make.
  6. They should dry really well naturally, so make sure you don’t leave them in a place where they can get wet.
  7. Once the cement is dry, carefully remove the sheet. Now you have the option of placing them like this, rustic, in the area of ​​the garden that you want to decorate. You can also apply some paint to increase the texture and give them a more realistic look.

Decoration options for the garden with cement sheets

These cement sheets that you have made with your own hands can decorate the garden in different ways. We tell you some options:

  • Rustic Leaf Path: You can make enough cement leaves to trace a path in your garden. To achieve this, while they dry you must make holes in the earth the size of the leaves. Do not make them so superficial, as they can be loose, making those who pass over them uncomfortable.
  • Round leaf path : if what you want to do is a round cement leaf path, the only thing you need to add to the previous process is a mold on the leaf before adding the cement. You will have to make the holes we are talking about with the same measure of the mold you use.
  • Plato: if you want to place these leaves in strategic places in the garden to collect some water that can be used by birds or other animals that visit your garden, you must add one more step. Lay the base cardboard and make a mound of dirt; then position the sheet so that, when applying the cement, a hole is made.
  • Pots for other plants: another option is to put together several sheets of cement that you already have made to form a pot for your favorite plants.
  • Edge of a pond: If you have a pond or a small lake in your garden, surround it with your cement sheets.
Cement for making pots.

Making cement sheets is very easy!

Making cement sheets to decorate your garden or other spaces is very easy, as you may have realized. Remember that the most important thing is to achieve an ideal cement mixture to handle it, but that is solid enough and unbreakable when drying.

As we mentioned before, this type of craft also requires a high level of concentration, creativity, and patience. In fact, you could try this technique with other types of elements other than leaves, but that have texture. It all depends on what you want to do and how you want to decorate your home.

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