Ideas To Make A Wall Organizer For Your Accessories

Having a tidy and organized home is the most practical way to take advantage of all your free time. For this, the small details are also important. Therefore, discover in this article how to make a wall organizer for your accessories.

Over the years more and more accessories accumulate, to the point of having them scattered throughout the house, in the bathroom, in the room, etc. We propose you a wall organizer so that you have everything organized and you can, in a single glance, know where you keep everything. You dare?

How to make a wall organizer for your accessories

Storing junk

Over time we tend to fill each drawer or bag with more and more accessories. We have endless necklaces, earrings, lipsticks, makeup remover wipes, etc.

The bigger the bag, the more things we will want to put in it. And the same thing happens to us with every corner of our home. It seems as if we are afraid to do a deep cleaning and throw away what we never use.

For this reason it is a must to create a wall organizer for your accessories. Once we have it done, it will be much easier to get used to leaving each thing in its specific place.

But, do not forget, that every so often we must clean up and discard what has no use. The systematic accumulation of things robs us of time and produces chaos in our house and in our daily lives.

Ideas to make a wall organizer for your accessories

A decorative piece

An accessory organizer panel is not only a functional instrument of our day to day, but also acts as a decorative element of the room. In this way, it fulfills two essential aspects to show off the perfect bedroom: organization and personalized decorative style.

According to your tastes, you can be inspired by a multitude of styles to create your accessory organizer panel. You can give it a vintage touch , including drawings or photo transfers, opt for recycling (fabrics, cans, bottles, boxes, etc.) … The limit is set by your imagination.

Wood: the perfect ally for a great organizer

If you fall in love with the idea of ​​the organizer and you need a large one, there are very original ideas that can be carried out in the most economical way: For example, with wooden pallets.

  • Just by sanding it and giving it a few coats of paint with your favorite color, you can have your accessory panel.
  • In your DIY store they will cut the wood to the size you need, and with a bit of carpenter’s glue and some studs you can build it all.
  • It is not essential to invest in noble and expensive woods, there are very affordable types of wood for all budgets. For example, pine, eucalyptus or, as we have already said, pallet wood.

Distribute with common sense

Do not forget that you must evaluate the space with which you distribute your personal items. That is, before making the panel, make a calculation of what you are going to put, how you are going to locate it and how much. This way you will avoid surprises later.

Always try to place what you use regularly in the most practical and accessible place. And do not keep jewelry of excessive value in this place so passing through. This will be more of a battle space to have what you need on hand in a practical way.

Order is addictive

When you have the wall organizer ready for your accessories, you will realize the satisfaction it brings. Putting more order in your life can be very rewarding and help you combat day-to-day stress from the little things.

When you’re overloaded with your mind, the last thing you need is not finding something. And the faster we are, the more nervous we will get. Therefore, the organizing panels are presented as a simple and practical solution.

We can make them, as we have said, using recycled materials. However, if we do not have time or desire, we can also buy them. The important thing is to start putting small things in order, a very addictive habit but also healthy and comforting.

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