How You Can Have Indoor Ponds

Believe it or not, you can have ponds inside your home. Of course, its size will depend on the space available. But at least a small one can be had.

In general, we associate ponds with the garden and forget that it is possible to enjoy this element in different ways in other environments, such as the interior of our apartment.

Small ponds are not only a decorative element, they also help to relax and clear the mind.  On the other hand, including plants help absorb radiation from electronic devices that constantly surround us.

Aspects to consider in order to have ponds

1. Choose the place well

Choose the place well

As we mentioned earlier, it is important to evaluate where the ponds will be located and how we are going to decorate them.

For example, if we are going to decorate them with natural plants, it is necessary that the pond is located in a place where the sun shines, for at least 4 or 6 hours a day. Otherwise, the aquatic plants and flowers will not thrive and you will only have rotten water, moisture and bacteria.

2. Evaluate the size of the ponds

Believe it or not, we assure you that the longer the pond, the easier it will be to maintain it. So don’t skimp on the size.

As for the depth, you must take into account that, the most common is that it oscillates between 50 and 60 centimeters. This way you have enough space to place several stones, plants or even fish.

3. Try the pre-made ponds first

Try the pre-made ponds first

Pre-made ponds can be purchased at any garden store. They are not the cheapest option, but their installation is simpler and can help you a lot when it comes to learning how to maintain them.

You can choose between canvas rafts (flexible but less durable) or cement rafts (which are more expensive but have greater durability).

4. Waterfall, yes or no?

Ponds usually look much prettier with a waterfall but this is not a mandatory element. If this is the first time we have a pond, it is best not to include it until we have learned well maintenance.

When waterfalls are included, the most important thing is to install a hydraulic pump that circulates the water over and over again. It must also have a device to recycle the water and prevent it from rotting.

How to make your own indoor ponds



  • Geotextile blanket (also called synthetic fiber).
  • Stapler.
  • Flexible plastic.
  • Stones
  • Staples.
  • Pair of scissors.
  • Sand.
  • Gravel.
  • Hoe.
  • Shovel.


  • Choose the place.
  • Once you’ve dug the hole, make a step to make one part deeper than the other.
  • Laminate the background. To do this you must spread a plastic over the entire diameter of the hole. Leave a surplus on the outside so it can be easily trimmed with scissors.
  • The plastic should not be rigid, and in that case, let it be in the sun for a few hours. Place large stones to secure it to the ground and prevent it from moving.
  • Add sand for the base (use the hoe for this).
  • Spread the material over the entire surface and make sure the sand is as compact and flat as possible.
  • Spread the decorative gravel over the step of the hole.
  • Measure and cut the geotextile mesh that you will use to place around the edge of the pond. Once you get a good fit, fix it with a stapler. The result must be uniform. 
    • This mesh will prevent moisture from damaging the rest of the floor.
  • Fill the hole with clean water, little by little, to prevent it from overflowing.
  • Around the pond, place tiles to delimit the space and prevent the water from running off the top edge.
  • Decorate to your liking. Add as many plants, flowers, and fish as you like.

By last…

To have indoor ponds you just need to be creative and take into account the aspects that we comment on. You can create two small ponds next to each other and join them with something decorative, such as a toy bridge.

Indoor ponds aren’t just for gardening and decorating connoisseurs. Of course, it is important to give them the proper maintenance to avoid bad odors, leaks and other annoyances. On the other hand, do not forget to enjoy your work daily, contemplate it and relax.

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