How To Use Clothes To Your Advantage

When it comes to highlighting the best of us, clothing can be our best ally or worst enemy. Sometimes we spend entire years wanting to modify parts of our body and, really, it is almost impossible! Why don’t we transform that absurd odyssey and try to use the clothes to bring out the best in us?

How to use clothes to your advantage

Oliverio Girondo, an incredible Argentine poet, once wrote:

“I dont know; I don’t give a damn if women have breasts like magnolias or fig raisins; a peach or sandpaper complexion. I give zero importance to the fact that they wake up with aphrodisiac breath or insecticidal breath. I am perfectly capable of supporting them with a nose that would win the first prize in a carrot exhibition; but yes! – and in this I am irreducible – I do not forgive them, under any pretext, that they do not know how to fly. If they don’t know how to fly, those who try to seduce me are wasting their time! “

In conclusion: the important thing is to feel good about the body that, whether we like it or not, has touched us. One of the keys is, precisely, instead of trying to modify the unchangeable, highlighting what makes us more beautiful, and knowing how to fly with what we have at hand.

1. For short legs

Footwear is of great help. Needless to say, heels will be your best friends when it comes to styling those legs. The stiletto heel is not recommended, except for special events.

In addition, spending a lot of time with this type of studs forces the muscles of your legs and can cause varicose veins. The ideal is the Chinese taco: it only takes a little elevation to generate an effect that seems magical.

If you wear Converse style sneakers: avoid booties! They make your legs appear much shorter than they are. Therefore, the ideal is to use the low style: they show your ankles and lengthen the legs.

Clothing cut at the waist creates the illusion that your lower body is much longer: avoid wearing hip jeans or very low skirts. The high rise, as in the 50s, will suit you much better.

2. For bulky bellies

Woman putting on tight pants

If you are a friend of extra kilos and want to hide your belly, of course, wearing tight clothing is not a good idea. Neither are fabrics like modal or lycra, which tend to rust. The best thing is to wear loose things.

Now how not to look like a tent? The best thing to do is to use a “princess” style, that is, one that fits below your bust. In this way, you have a double benefit: it highlights the best of your cleavage, and does not mark your belly. With leggings, it looks great.

3. For wide hips

If you have very wide hips and may be uncomfortable, a great tip is to replace ankle-length pants with an Oxford cut, and that go to the middle of the waist.

For the upper part, the best are those long garments, such as blouses or jackets that mark your curves, but that fall below the hips.

On the other hand, wearing large accessories such as large ball necklaces will divert attention from your hips. Of course, it is not recommended in this case to use horizontal stripes or giant prints.

It is necessary to know how to order and store your clothes in your closet.

4. For wide backs

Seek to draw attention to other areas, and avoid square or boat necklines and wide sleeves, or strapless ones. It is best to wear wide straps, or “Marilyn Monroe” style dresses that tie behind your back, and necklines with deep V-necks.

As you can see, it is not difficult to highlight the best of us, the trick is to know how to combine those clothes that best adapt to our body. Of course, the most important thing is to feel comfortable with ourselves.

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