How To Treat A Heavy Stomach Naturally

A heavy stomach is an uncomfortable sensation that most of us have experienced at some time. There are natural ways to calm her down and we will tell you about them below.

We can suffer it after a very copious meal or with too much fat. Stomach heaviness is a very common problem nowadays, due to the diet we eat. Not eating a balanced diet, eating in a hurry or excessively help make the situation worse. In addition, emotional aspects such as worries or stress are also triggers. Discover some home treatments for a heavy stomach.

Recommendations to treat stomach heaviness

If you usually eat high- fat dishes , strong condiments or desserts with too much refined sugar, as well as alcoholic beverages, it is more common to suffer from this problem. The reason is that the stomach processes unhealthy foods with more difficulty. This is what causes you to feel heavy or bloated after eating, because the digestive system is working at full speed.

The first step to avoid the problem of stomach heaviness is to control what we consume, especially cold cuts, fried foods, pâtés and desserts heavily loaded with refined sugar or alcoholic beverages. These are bad in every way, because they increase cholesterol and harm our overall health.

A balanced diet is the basis for a healthy life and, therefore, a healthy stomach. Eat more fruits than sweets, more vegetables than meat, less sauces, oils, fried foods and fats. Choose raw or steamed food. Calcium and magnesium can also be added to food as inorganic salts. They help with the heaviness and heartburn that result from poor digestion.

foods to improve stomach heaviness

Habits that benefit digestion

When you know that you are going to eat a lot, for example at a dinner with friends or a party, eat slowly by chewing your food well. In this way, everything will get more “processed” to the stomach. Eating slowly is recommended in all cases. Opt for light dinners and choose to eat a snack between meals, such as a fruit or a cup of nuts.

After dinner you can have a yogurt for dessert because it contains probiotics that help digestion and improve intestinal flora. It is not advisable to go to bed right after dinner, allow at least 30 minutes or an hour to pass, especially if you have eaten more than one dish.


Exercises to improve stomach heaviness

Some yoga exercises can help you improve circulation and digestion, stimulating the stomach. For example, you can lie on your back by bending your legs and wrapping your arms around them, pressing gently on your belly. This will also help with flatulence and promote circulation in the legs, avoiding the feeling of bloating. It seems proven that moderate physical activity helps to eliminate gas and reduces symptoms in patients affected by abdominal pain and stomach heaviness.

Home remedies to treat a heavy stomach

When you suffer from this problem regularly, or after a heavy dinner, you can take advantage of some homemade foods. Among the most recommended are:

  • Lemon juice: it is ideal for burning, heartburn and heaviness of the stomach. You just have to squeeze a lemon and fill the rest of the cup or glass with water. Add a tablespoon of baking soda. It will calm the feeling of heaviness quickly. If you don’t have baking soda, you can eat a banana and then drink the lemon juice with water. This can reduce gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) and also neutralize gastric acids or juices.
  • Yogurt with papaya: used to speed up the digestion process. If you feel very heavy even for a long time after eating, have a cup of plain yogurt with a few pieces of papaya. You can add a slice of kiwi or pineapple. These fruits contain enzymes that help you speed up digestion. In case you have constipation problems, add a teaspoon of cinnamon on top.

    • Water with mint and lemon: mix a glass of cold water (if it is carbonated better) with the juice of half a lemon and some mint leaves. Add cubes and drink to refresh and also to speed up digestion, as it will activate the gastric juices.
    • Orange: if you eat an orange after dinner, you will improve your digestion and you will not feel heavy. This citrus fruit, as well as lemon or grapefruit, helps detoxify the liver, stimulate the production of bile, responsible for digesting lipids, and provides a feeling of freshness and lightness in the stomach.

    Infusions to treat stomach heaviness

    These herbal teas, teas or infusions are very good to treat the symptoms of a heavy stomach:

    • Artichoke Infusion: it is ideal after eating foods with a lot of fat, such as red meat, cured cheeses, fried or fast food. You just have to prepare it with a handful of artichoke or boldo and mint.
    • Infusion of chamomile and anise : prepare in a teapot a teaspoon of chamomile flowers, one of fennel seeds, one of meadowsweet, one of anise root and one of rent. Pour half a liter of water into it. Let stand five minutes and then serve. You can drink up to three cups per day (not recommended for pregnant women).
    • Rosemary infusion: boil a liter of water in a saucepan. When it comes to a boil, add four tablespoons of rosemary leaves and leave for about four minutes. Cover and let stand the same time. Then strain and drink the resulting liquid throughout the day. If you want, you can add a few drops of lemon juice. Apart from helping you with the heaviness of the stomach, it is an infallible remedy against halitosis. To obtain this benefit, it must be consumed for nine days in a row.
    • Green aniseed with cinnamon tisane : leave out the common coffee or tea for this delicious infusion, with a different flavor. Bring some anise seeds, cinnamon sticks, orange zest, and rooibos. It can also be useful for gas problems, to calm anxiety or the urge to eat sweets.


    Images courtesy of Alpha, Grand Velas Riviera Maya, lablascovegmenu, Lucy Fisher, and JD.
    More information in English at: nlm.nih

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