How To Speed Up Your Metabolism Naturally

Losing weight is related to speeding up your metabolism. If done naturally, it is not harmful to health.

If you want to lose a few kilos, take note of these natural tips. Basically, it consists of changing certain eating habits that will favor the acceleration of the metabolism.

Acceleration of metabolism through food

By modulating the diet it is possible to influence the metabolic rate. We explain how to do it.

More protein

It is about slightly increasing the amount of protein within a balanced diet. Thanks to this extra contribution, you can reduce weight through the acceleration of metabolism.

Keep in mind that increasing the amount of these nutrients in the diet has been shown to improve body composition.

The type of protein that must be increased are those with high levels of amino acids, such as meat or fish.

Increase protein intake

Without going any further, lean meats and eggs will be an important source of protein capable of accelerating your metabolism naturally.

Less carbohydrates

When you want to achieve an acceleration of the metabolism, experts usually recommend reducing the amount of carbohydrates that are ingested.

Carbohydrates are scientifically proven to slow down metabolism, leading to weight gain. According to a study published in Frontiers in Bioscience , the regular intake of sugars is capable of promoting obesity.

For this reason, it is advisable to avoid high amounts of pasta, bread and potatoes in the diet.


Be careful with the quantities

As much as you control the amount of carbohydrates and proteins, you will not be able to accelerate the metabolism if you do not do the same with the amounts you eat. An easy and practical way to measure quantities is to use the palm of your hand.


For example, the amount of protein you have to consume should be the size of your palm, while the size of your clenched fist should be that of the carbohydrates on your plate.

This way you will be able to give your body the portions you need and you will not gain weight.

Cinnamon can help you

Although it may seem incredible, cinnamon can help you lose weight. And it is that this spice favors the assimilation of sugar and makes the body metabolize it up to twenty times faster, an advantage in this type of caloric products. This is stated by research published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

cinnamon to lose sizes

So, don’t miss the opportunity to add some cinnamon to your tea, coffee or milk to avoid adding extra calories.

Use it instead of sugar and you will also get it to metabolize earlier. It will be just as good and you will be helping your body.

Say yes to walnuts

Nuts are quite caloric, but walnuts can end up becoming a great ally.

This type of dried fruit is good for the hair, for the skin, for the energy levels and, in addition, they are fat burners.


Thanks to the oils obtained from walnuts, a balance between omega 3 and 6 fatty acids is produced in the body. With a handful a day you should have more than enough.

Do not forget that, although they are beneficial for your health, they are very caloric.

Best blue fish

Oily fish is an excellent food for your brain, as well as an ally to burn fat. The beneficial proteins and fats in oily fish are perfect for speeding up your metabolism.

By eating this type of food, the body only gets the fats it needs from this fish, letting the rest go.

7 types of fish that could be harmful to health

Incorporate the seeds into your diet

The seeds are an excellent substitute for another type of garnish, such as French fries.

Include in your diet seeds of:

  • Chia.
  • Sesame.
  • Linen.
  • Quinoa.

They are very rich, have great flavor and will allow you to reduce the caloric intake you eat.


You can also go for pumpkin seeds that can help improve some ailments in the body. They also have beneficial properties and promote rest.

They will help you take care of yourself and lose weight.

Alternative legumes

Hummus can be a great food if eaten before exercising. It will provide a real injection of energy that will allow you to burn fat without giving up the flavor of legumes.


Improve diet to speed up metabolism

Through a series of dietary changes, metabolism can be impacted. It is important to opt for healthy lifestyle habits to achieve a better body composition that will have a positive impact on the individual’s state of health.

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