How To Soothe A Sore Throat?

Soothing a sore throat is not an easy task. Although there are several alternatives, it is a symptom that can be persistent and cause discomfort for several days. Also, there are multiple causes that originate it.

However, the most common cause is usually upper respiratory infection. In times of cold weather, pharyngitis is prevalent, with dysphonia among its signs.

Other respiratory infections with the same symptom can be colds, sinusitis, and laryngitis. All of them are caused mostly by viruses. Therefore, antibiotic treatment is not indicated and its use does not relieve throat irritation. Find out, then, what could help you combat this annoyance.

Causes of a sore throat

As already noted, throat irritation can have very different origins. Among the main causes of dysphonia, hoarseness and sore throat can be found:

  • Ambient dryness: the lack of humidity in the air can dry out the mucous membranes. Also, it can happen that the ambient air is humid, but we breathe a lot through the mouth without passing the air through the nose.
  • Allergies: People allergic to dust and mites, for example, often suffer from pharyngeal irritation.
  • Voice fatigue: excessive use of the voice or overexertion of the voice by screaming exhausts the vocal cords.
  • Irritating substances: there are chemicals that, being in the air, are capable of entering the body and irritating the pharynx. We can mention, among them, tobacco smoke.
  • GERD: Gastroesophageal reflux disease consists of the rise of hydrochloric acid from the stomach into the esophagus, sometimes reaching the throat. This acid is highly irritating.

Remedies to soothe a sore throat

Here’s how you can soothe a sore throat with natural options. It is worth noting that natural remedies often do not have a scientific basis to support their use.

1. Gargle

Its use is very old and is usually recommended by grandmothers. Gargling is believed to be a good option to remove sore throat. They should be done with warm water and diluted salt. Those who have tried this natural remedy argue that the mixture would reduce inflammation of the pharynx. No scientific data have been found to support this theory.

The classic preparation consists of half a tablespoon of salt in a glass of water. Those who do not tolerate the salty taste could add honey to the preparation. Ideally, you should repeat the gargle several times a day.

2. Honey for throat irritation

Honey for throat irritation

Honey might be a good option to soothe your throat; in fact, it could be ingested directly, by the spoonful. It would be important that his swallowing was slow so that he came into contact with the inflamed cells.

By momentarily attaching itself to cells, honey’s proven anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties could act on the cause of discomfort.

Remember that young children, less than one year old, cannot consume honey. There is a high risk of a baby getting botulism from eating honey. Hence, the recommendation.

3. Candy

Both kiosks and pharmacies sell candies to soothe a sore throat. These are preparations to suck that can have fresh ingredients, such as eucalyptus.

The candies would cause a greater production of saliva when sucked. This, added to the cooling effect of peppermint or eucalyptus, may ease discomfort. The problem with this treatment is that you should consume several candies a day.

4. Hydration against throat irritation

Hydration is very important for the mucous membranes. Given the irritation, it is logical to think that there is fluid loss. Therefore, you should replace them. Keep in mind that the ideal liquid is water and avoid excessive consumption of coffee, for example, since caffeine contributes to dehydration.

This means that you can drink coffee but in moderation. As a study published in Plos One points out , there is no evidence to corroborate the presence of dehydration in the case of a controlled intake of caffeine per day.

On the other hand, the use of hot drinks such as soups or teas is recommended. Soups with broth would provide micronutrients, in addition to hydration, and microelements such as sodium or potassium.

5. Heat in the neck

The hot packs on the neck increase the temperature in the area and, in this way, the blood circulation would be increased. The greater the circulation, there would be a greater presence of anti-inflammatory cells and, therefore, the discomfort would improve.

6. Hot shower

Lukewarm shower

The foundation of the hot shower to remove throat irritation would be in the steam generated. This warm steam would work as an anti-inflammatory when entering through the respiratory tract and through the mouth. There are no scientific studies on this.

7. Avoid tobacco

Cigarettes with their smoke are irritants. In addition to being possible generators of the symptom, they could worsen it if it came from another cause, such as an infection.

The harmful effects of tobacco on the respiratory tract have been proven in different studies, such as this one entitled The risks of active and passive smoking which indicates that smokers would be more prone to respiratory infections. Also, the cough could become chronic in smokers, by altering the respiratory dynamics.

8. Pain relievers

Throat irritation can go away on its own. Eventually it does and disappears after a few days. But, sometimes, you need to accelerate the improvement due to work issues or activities that you cannot miss. For these cases, it would be necessary to consult with the doctor.

The first option would be paracetamol, a pain reliever that could relieve symptoms and even be administered to young children. The second option would be ibuprofen, which, in addition to being an analgesic, is anti-inflammatory. They both fight fever.

Visit the doctor if pain persists

As with any discomfort, if it does not disappear in a couple of days or if it worsens significantly, you need to go to the doctor to examine you, since only a specialist can diagnose you correctly and prescribe the most appropriate medication.

On the other hand, remember that natural remedies can be an adjuvant treatment, that is, complementary to what is indicated by the doctor but at no time do they replace it.

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