How To Reduce Skin Blemishes With Medicinal Plants

Skin spots are one of those conditions that frequently affect various parts of the body.

Many times they occur due to the negative impact of the sun’s rays, pollution and other factors that directly influence the coloration.

In the search for perfect skin we can find obstacles that prevent us from looking smooth, radiant and with a uniform tone.

Knowing that many people are trying to minimize this skin problem, cosmetic companies have developed various treatments for many years to reduce or eliminate them entirely.

However, the big drawback that many find is that these products are often expensive and require frequent use to see results.

Luckily, there are some natural remedies that can be quite helpful.

Medicinal plants to combat skin blemishes


Parsley to treat skin blemishes

The antioxidant compounds in this plant have a positive effect on the skin by helping to fight free radicals that cause damage.

Its daily use reduces the spots caused by the sun and improves its tone, eliminating excess oil and other impurities that also give it a bad appearance.

How to use?

  • Crush a sprig of parsley and apply the juice directly to freckles, blemishes, or other blemishes.


This herb has astringent qualities that are appropriate for reducing abnormalities such as freckles, blemishes, pimples, and other blemishes.

Birch barks are very rich in tannins, which is why they exert a dermatological astringent effect and promote wound healing.

How to use?

  • Prepare an infusion of the plant and use the liquid to wash the affected areas, in the morning and at night.


Calendula’s astringent and antioxidant action reduces the negative impact of the sun on the skin, which is one of the main causes of the appearance of dark spots.

In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects that help in the treatment of eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis.

How to use it?

  • Crush some marigold flowers and apply them on the parts you want to treat. You can also use tinctures that are sold in herbal stores.

aloe vera

It is no secret to anyone that the aloe vera plant has many benefits for everything that has to do with skin care.

It acts as a natural moisturizer, capable of stopping the action of free radicals and regulating the pH.

In addition, it is a natural soothing against sunburn and significantly reduces the alterations generated by this factor.

Aloe Vera penetrates the three layers of the skin: the epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis, and expels the bacteria and fat deposits that clog the pores. It has a moisturizing and penetrating capacity four times higher than water, multiplying its effectiveness. When it penetrates, the action of its natural nutrients, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and enzymes stimulate the reproduction of new cells, since it is a cellular regenerator, healing, toning and highly penetrating skin.

How to use?

  • You just have to apply a little aloe vera gel directly on the stain, repeating the treatment up to 3 times a day.


How to lighten dark armpits

This herb became very popular for its action to reduce the blemishes generated by chronic acne.

However, it has also been used to combat other types of hyperpigmentation.

How to use?

  • Purchase sandalwood essential oil at a herbal store and apply it with a gentle massage before going to sleep.


The astringent effect of plantain can help remove skin blemishes, impurities and dead cells.

How to use?

  • Dip a cotton ball in a little infusion of the plant and apply it with a light massage on the affected area.



Elderberry leaves have a cleansing action that is used to treat skin blemishes.

How to use?

  • Prepare an infusion of its flowers and apply it with a gauze or cloth, rubbing the stained parts.


First of all, horseradish root is considered a remedy to improve skin tone.

Its regular use reduces the appearance of freckles, blemishes and other signs of premature aging that appear from sun exposure.

How to use?

  • Grate the root to extract its juice and apply it on the spots you want to reduce.
  • Let it act for 20 minutes, rinse and repeat its application at least 3 times a week.

Remember that these options could be effective many times as a complement to medical treatment, so it is important that if you have a skin condition you consult your doctor.

Have you tried using any of these plants to care for your skin?

If not, what are you waiting for?

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