How To Quickly Heal Chafing And Blisters On Feet

It is very common for rubbing and blisters to appear on the feet when new shoes are worn or when walking long distances with the wrong footwear. In both cases, the pain caused by the injury is such discomfort that it is difficult to walk calmly.

The painful friction when walking makes us stop more times than normal to rest or avoid traveling certain distances. In general, this is a nuisance that does not require medical attention but does require certain care for its cure.

Above all, it is recommended not to explode the blisters, as the risk of infection is increased. If necessary, there are ways to drain the liquid, as we will indicate below.

1. Help, I have a blister!

Instead of exploding the blisters at the first opportunity, the following measures can be taken to achieve the desired relief:

Put your feet in a container of fresh water with coarse salt for at least 15 minutes. This will relieve the heaviness and swelling of the feet and, therefore, the discomfort caused by blisters and chafing.

To this bath you can add a few drops of tea tree (which has antiseptic properties that are very useful to help heal injuries) or, once the bath is finished and the feet dry, you can place a few drops of this oil directly on the blister.

If you see that the blisters are very large and it will make your shoes difficult, it will be better to drain that liquid. To do this the right way, sterilize a needle with rubbing alcohol and carefully prick the vial. Wash and dry the area well to avoid pus residue. Finally, do not forget that you must apply an antiseptic and disinfectant, such as betadine. 

2. Aloe vera to heal the wound

aloe vera

Aloe vera gel can be used in cases of superficial abrasions and wounds, since it helps to moisturize the skin while helping it to heal. If applied cold, the relief will be instant. 

In order to benefit from this treatment, you only have to take 20 grams of aloe vera gel and apply it directly on the lesions (previously washed and dried). Once the aloe is fully absorbed into your skin, you can go to sleep and let the product act overnight. The next morning, rinse, pat dry, and repeat the application.

3. Baking soda, always effective for chafing and blisters


Do you want to heal your rubs and blisters on your feet as soon as possible? Then take note of this excellent advice:

  • Thoroughly wash your feet with a tub or basin of hot water. Add 5 sprigs of rosemary. This herb is an excellent anti-inflammatory that will also help you eliminate any impurities or bacteria present in the blisters or abrasions.
  • Gently dry your feet.
  • Now mix 200 ml of water with  20 g of bicarbonate and 40 ml of hydrogen peroxide. Stir well until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • With the help of a cotton ball, apply generously on the affected areas.
  • If you do it twice a day, the next day you will have the blisters practically healed and you will hardly notice the scratches.

It may interest you: Sodium bicarbonate and its properties

4. Simple remedy with garlic


This is another home treatment that you can use in case you have blisters and chafing on your feet. To prepare it, you will only need three cloves of garlic and 100 grams of thyme. Garlic is a great, very powerful natural antibiotic that will help us disinfect wounds.

  • Heat 5 liters of water along with 100 grams of thyme. This medicinal plant is very suitable for disinfecting and reducing inflammation, so this first step is necessary to remove any impurities from the feet.
  • Dip your feet in the water and relax for at least 20 minutes. Afterward, pat yourself dry.
  • Check your blisters, remember that if they are not very large it is convenient not to explode them so as not to infect them.
  • What we will do now is crush the three garlic cloves in a mortar.
  • Next, we place the garlic paste on two gauze and, in turn, we place them on the wounds.
  • Leave the gauze on the wounds for 15 minutes. You do not need to apply anything else or rinse your feet after this period of time.

    To treat and heal rubbing and blisters on the feet, the most important thing is to be consistent with good hygiene habits. In this way, the action of any treatment will be reinforced and the discomfort will disappear in less time. Don’t forget to leave your feet ‘in the air’ for as long as possible to ventilate. This will help the blisters to dry out.

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