How To Prevent Hepatitis B

It is important to know that hepatitis B is spread by contact with blood or other bodily fluids. It is not spread by sneezing or casual contact.

Inflammation of the liver, cirrhosis and cancer are just some of the consequences of a disease that claims more and more victims around the world: hepatitis B.

Although it is considered one of the most common infections, accurate information is not always available about it. This prevents the implementation of certain prevention measures that can save the lives of many people.

Knowing hepatitis B

According to an article in the Action Coalition for Immunization , hepatitis B is an infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). When it enters the body, it triggers an immune system response that inflames and can seriously damage the liver.

If the liver is not working properly, the person can die within a day or two. Therefore, it is important that we learn to protect this organ from this disease.


Upon first coming into contact with the virus, the person suffers an acute infection. Generally. Adults recover early from this process and develop antibodies to the virus that make them immune to hepatitis B.

However, when the body is unable to fight this infectious agent and HBV remains in the blood for more than 6 months, the patient is diagnosed with chronic infection or Chronic hepatitis B, the most serious stage of this disease.

This last type of hepatitis is commonly seen in very young children, whose immune systems are not sufficiently developed to attack the virus.

Despite all this, this disease may not cause any symptoms, it all depends on the immune response of the body. In fact, it is possible to live with this infection for years without knowing what is happening, while the virus silently attacks our liver.

If undetected and the disease progresses, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases notes that hepatitis B can lead to cirrhosis (fibrosis of the liver), liver failure or failure, bleeding, coma, liver cancer, and even death. .

Symptoms of the disease

Although some people do not have symptoms and others the evidence months after being exposed to the virus, we can point out the most common. Before any of them you should go to the doctor to give you an accurate diagnosis.

  • Similar to flu symptoms: Fever, fatigue, muscle pain, and loss of appetite
  • Sickness
  • Vomiting
  • Jaundice (yellow eyes and skin)
  • Swollen stomach and pain in the lower abdomen.


Despite all this, it is important to know that hepatitis B is not transmitted by touching, hugging or kissing an infected person, or by coughing or sneezing. Instead, hepatitis is transmitted in the following cases:

  • Sexual contact with infected people.
  • Use of infected needles (drugs, piercing, tattoos, acupuncture).
  • Exchange of personal items (toothbrushes, razors).
  • Vertical transmission from mother to baby during delivery.
  • Blood transfusions and organ transplantation.

How to prevent hepatitis B?

The United States National Library of Medicine explains that the best way to prevent the onset of this disease is with a vaccine. This makes the person who receives it immune against the virus, allowing the development of the appropriate antibodies.

The hepatitis B vaccine is considered the safest and most effective created to date, however it only allows the prevention and not the treatment of the disease. However, there are other measures you can take to reduce the risk of infection. Let’s see some tips that can help us:

  • Practice safe sex : using a condom, even when performing oral sex, is important to avoid coming into contact with infected blood or fluids. Also, this will protect us against other diseases.
  • Thorough cleaning : if blood is spilled, it is necessary to clean it with a bleach solution, for example, and use protective gloves.
  • Do not share personal items : needles, razors, toothbrushes, piercings, or even nail clippers should not be shared.
  • Use sterile needles : the above does not mean that we cannot get a tattoo or piercing, but that we must make sure that the needles used are sterile.
  • Safety during pregnancy : after delivery, it is necessary to make sure that the baby receives its dose of the hepatitis vaccine.
  • Be careful when traveling to other countries : we must consult about the necessary vaccines and some prevention methods to avoid contagion.

Baby vaccine

In conclusion, hepatitis B is a disease that can generate serious complications, which is why it is very important to know and implement different prevention actions, among which, of course, vaccination stands out.

Now you know how to prevent hepatitis B, you just need responsibility and caution. We hope that this article has been of great help to you and allows you to disprove some beliefs about this disease.

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