How To Prepare 3 Olive Oil Anti-wrinkle Masks At Home

Olive oil is included in the group of healthy fats that provide many benefits to the body.  But, beyond being a superfood, this natural ingredient has nutrients and properties that can be used in cosmetics, especially in what has to do with skin care and the fight against skin aging. Olive oil can be an effective anti-wrinkle, thanks to its moisturizing properties, as indicated by a study by the University of Granada.

But if instead of buying prepared with artificial ingredients you prefer the natural option to keep you beautiful, today we want to share 3 simple olive oil masks that can help prevent and reduce premature wrinkles, although there is still no full scientific evidence about their degree of effectiveness. Don’t stop preparing them at home!

1. Anti-wrinkle mask for the eye contour

Eye contour mask

The skin around the eyes is more delicate than the rest of the skin and therefore it is not surprising that it is one of the first areas to reveal the signs of aging.

Right in this area, small lines of expression develop as a result of the movements of the muscles of the face that we make when we laugh, cry and get excited.

The good news is that thanks to the moisturizing and restorative properties of olive oil, a natural product can be made to help reduce and prevent these small wrinkles.


  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g)
  • 1 piece of cotton

What should you do?

  • Dip the cotton ball in the olive oil.
  • Gently massage the product around the eye contour, preferably every day before going to sleep.
  • You have no need to rinse it.

2. Anti-wrinkle mask for neck and décolleté

Many women worry about taking care of their facial skin to prevent early wrinkles, but they forget about the neck and décolleté area.

Because they are two areas so exposed to sunlight and other environmental factors, they tend to weaken easily, becoming more flaccid and wrinkled.

A cream based on this natural oil can provide some ingredients to help nourish cells and preserve elasticity in these areas.


  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of lanolin (20 ml)

What should you do?

  • Place the two ingredients in a saucepan and bring them to a simmer in a bain-marie so that they integrate well.
  • When they are mixed, remove and let it rest until it drops to a temperature bearable for the skin.
  • Apply the mask on the neck and décolleté with a gentle massage, and let it act for about 15 minutes before removing it with warm water.

3. Mask to prevent and reduce wrinkles

Premature wrinkles

Due to constant exposure to the sun, poor diet or genetics, many women are more likely to develop premature wrinkles than others.

Although it is very difficult to fight against these factors that influence the quality of the skin, the application of this simple mask can be useful for the prevention and reduction of those early signs of aging.


  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil (10 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of wheat germ (5 g)

What should you do?

  • Pour all the ingredients into a bowl and mix them until you get a creamy paste.
  • Apply the mask to your facial skin and leave it on for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off.
  • Repeat the treatment at least 2 times a week.

Keep in mind…

The results of these masks are not immediate and a constant application is required to notice the difference, which also depends on other factors such as health, age, etc. The good thing is that its components are beneficial for the skin and you can use them without problem, in most cases.

In addition to reducing wrinkles, olive oil will help you hydrate, reduce flaccidity and reduce the action of oxidative molecules that damage skin cells and accelerate aging.

Are you ready to start enjoying its benefits?

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