How To Perfume Your Hair Naturally

Tahitian oil is moisturizing, protects hair from the sun’s rays and has a vanilla scent. What other natural ingredients can be used to perfume hair?

Hair is a part of our body that is always exposed. Therefore, it absorbs odors with ease, such as, for example, tobacco and sweat. The worst thing is that, despite this, we cannot always wash it. In those cases, it comes in handy to know how to perfume your hair naturally.

In this article, we will present you some alternatives that you can make yourself to perfume your hair. There are delicious fruity, exotic and floral aromas. In addition, its therapeutic properties could also promote hair health.

5 natural alternatives to perfume your hair

Keep in mind that the following preparations come from traditional recipes and, beyond the scientific endorsement of the properties of their ingredients, these combinations have not been scientifically proven. It is advisable to consult with a dermatologist to prevent possible allergies or other problems before use.

1. Tahitian Monoï Oil

Monoï or Tahiti oil is an excellent natural product that we can use on the body and on the hair. It is obtained from the maceration of Tiaré flowers in coconut oil (which is very useful for hair repair, according to studies). The aroma that results from this combination is very special, very reminiscent of vanilla.

It is usually recommended especially for the summer seasons. In addition to perfuming your hair, popular beliefs indicate that it can also help make it soft and shiny, as well as protect it from the sun’s rays.

According to these theories, it is the vitamin E that this mixture supposedly contains that would allow this to be possible. This vitamin has antioxidant effects, and that is why there is talk of its benefits for hair repair.

Thus, often applied this mixture on the hair, it would fulfill the same function as the mask that you usually use after washing. It is important to note that there are recommendations not to use it on oily hair.

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2. Floral hydrolates

Hydrolates are obtained from the distillation of plants in the process of extracting essential oils. That is, they are the water particles that separate when preparing an oil. They also contain the water-soluble elements of the plant, trace elements and a small amount of the essential oil.

All these substances are what give it part of its aroma and properties. Its light consistency makes the smell also softer, less concentrated. They are not very popular today, although they have been used for therapeutic purposes since ancient times.

Among the very wide range that exists, the ones that are generally recommended the most are:

  • Orange blossom hydrolate : Orange blossom, neroli or orange blossom has a very special and seductive aroma, as well as relaxing properties according to traditional medicine. Applied to the scalp, it regulates sebaceous secretion.
  • Rosemary hydrolate: Rosemary has always been used for hair health and beauty. Among the properties attributed to it, it is said to improve circulation, prevent hair loss and regulate scalp problems (a 1999 study refers to these last two applications). In addition, it can be used as a cleanser and has a very refreshing herbal aroma.
  • Peppermint hydrolate : This hydrolate is the most refreshing, ideal for hot weather. According to popular beliefs, it helps prevent the appearance of dandruff.

It is essential that we ensure the quality and purity of these hydrolates. There are many artificial essences on the market that are sold as natural, so be careful when choosing them.

3. Rose water to perfume your hair

Traditionally used especially in Indian culture, rose water is the floral water par excellence. It has a delicate aroma, which is why it is associated with the feminine.

In addition, as it is popularly said to act as a regenerating and antioxidant agent – properties not proven by science – it may be suitable for romantic or intimate encounters. Even aphrodisiac properties are attributed to it in traditional medicine.

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4. Concentrated lavender infusion

Lavender has a powerful cleansing and relaxing effect, as well as a delicious scent. It is possible to use it, therefore, to perfume the hair in a very simple way. To do this, you could prepare a concentrated infusion of its flowers. Because of its softness, this perfume can even be used several times a day.

5. Essential oils

Without a doubt, it is the easiest way to prepare your own natural hair perfumes. Simply put a few drops in a little water, shake well and spray. Use the essential oils of the aromas that you like the most. Here are some of the most popular:

  • Ylang-ylang : It is an intense floral aroma with supposed aphrodisiac properties, among other benefits.
  • Tangerine : Very sweet and refreshing, the relaxing properties attributed to it according to traditional medicine could improve mood.
  • Bergamot : It is what gives black tea its characteristic flavor. With a very special aroma, it has antidepressant properties that could alleviate the symptoms of people who suffer from this type of condition.
  • Jasmine : The fact that it is so soft, delicate and relaxing, makes it combine very well with other aromas.
  • Lemon : It gives a sensation of cleanliness and freshness. For that same reason, it looks so good when combined with other citrus aromas.

How to apply it

The most traditional way to apply these preparations is by putting the perfume in a spray bottle and spraying it on the hair from a distance of about 20 centimeters. Thus, it will be well distributed through the hair without having to wet it excessively. We can even massage or comb the hair so that it is well extended.

Finally, we leave you a good idea: you could carry the perfume in your bag to apply it after the hair is exposed to strong odors. Choose your favorite and try them!

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