How To Organize My Life: Recommendations

The modernization of society has made our daily routine a little heavier. Therefore, we are often subjected to various situations that cause us stress.  So, at some point, many begin to ask themselves:  “How can I organize my life?” .

It is difficult to combine family with work, hobbies and life as a couple. However, it is not impossible if we organize ourselves properly and put procrastination aside.

In this way, we will avoid stress, anxiety problems and various worries. Let’s dive deeper into it.

How to start organizing my life?

In the first place, it is necessary to limit that, having an order in our life, all things will have a greater probability of going well, or at least we will have the necessary resources to face any difficulty that arises.

Steps to organize your life

1. Analyze yourself

The first step you must take will be related to observation. Carry out an analysis on how you are investing your time and what activities consume the most in your day to day.

For this, you can take a pencil and a paper or download an application and start analyzing how long it takes you to do each thing.

2. Set goals

These will be your guide when deciding what is relevant to you. You must prioritize and be clear about what is most important and what you should postpone or take to the background.

3. Concentrate

It sounds obvious, but many times when you start a task, you start doing others without realizing it and in the end you don’t finish any. Start  with one piece and move on to the next only when you’re done.

If you’re writing a report, focus only on that and avoid answering non-urgent calls, non-priority emails, or checking notifications from social media.

4. Make a schedule

This tip is intended to avoid interruptions. For example, you can assign a time of day exclusively to serve customers, receive calls or respond to emails.

Regarding calls, you can tell your close contacts to call you outside of work hours, and only at certain times. They will surely understand it without problem.

5. Forget social media

Keep social media out of the way while you’re working or studying. Its use can be a great distraction, especially because when you start by looking at a notification, you start to pull the thread and end up spending an hour analyzing any random profile.

If necessary, disable them. In this way, you will save a lot of time that you previously invested in trivialities.

6. Use relaxation techniques

Practice mindfulness or other forms of meditation, especially if you have observed that you have difficulty focusing on a single goal.

There are thousands of related groups, books, and activities. It is possible to achieve full concentration, but you have to do your part.

Other methods to organize

It may happen that you always forget something or that what we have shared is not enough, so you can also use:

  • Have everything at hand. Don’t waste time looking for something to write, a loose note, or an email password. If it is your office, everything you use daily should be arranged on your desk and ready to be used.
  • Prioritize.  Avoid attending unexpected events that are not urgent. If you are on a work matter and someone calls to just have a coffee and a chat, be honest and assertively tell them that you are busy and unavailable at the moment.
Organize with agenda

  • Keep an agenda. Don’t underestimate the power of these notebooks. They are very useful for organizing priorities and not overlooking any point. Don’t just trust that your memory will remind you of everything on its own. Better, write what you should do.
  • Assume good habits. If you start creating useful habits, you won’t waste a single minute of the day.
  • Distribute the time. Try to allocate a moment to each task. For example: walk, 15 minutes; read, half an hour; review notifications and reply to messages on mobile, 25 minutes; write a report for 1 hour, and so on.
  • To sleep. This is very important for you to perform better during the day. Turn off your mobile and sleep. Also, remember to eat healthy for good health.

It is possible to organize if you do your part

Remember that, if you organize your life, you will feel that things flow better and you will reduce anxiety levels. Many times, you are burdened when you have too many things to do and you do n’t know how to get started.

Take these tips into account and apply them to your daily life. It won’t take long to notice its benefits.

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