How To Nip A Toxic Relationship In The Bud

We know that it is not good for us, that the relationship we have with the other person is anything but healthy. However,  no one has taught us how to nip a toxic relationship in the bud.

They have given us directions to return to that person, to fight for a love that has already disappeared, to continue enduring a situation that falls by itself.

In short, they have provided us with tools to prevent a relationship from breaking up, but they have forgotten to teach us those that indicate how to end a toxic relationship.

Manipulation is our great enemy


Every toxic person makes use of manipulation. He may threaten, cry, complain, or use other resources that allow him to obtain something in exchange for using them.

However, if we want to learn how to nip a toxic relationship in the bud, it is important that we open our eyes to the innumerable attempts at manipulation that the other person can commit to us.

The manipulation is hidden under the most subtle words or almost imperceptible acts. You have to be very attentive to glimpse any attempt and not go unnoticed.

Therefore, when we want to end a toxic relationship, in this case, as a couple, we cannot allow ourselves to be dazzled by promises of change or by requests for second chances.

Failing at this time will open a door that the other person will take advantage of to prevent you from deciding when it closes.

If your relationship is toxic and you are clear that you want to leave, do it without regard, cover your ears and continue on your way. Of course, be careful, because this does not end here.

How to end a toxic relationship without feeling guilty

Woman handing house keys to her ex

The problem with being in a toxic relationship and the other person trying to manipulate you so that you don’t leave their side forever is that it will make you feel guilty.

Once you leave, have plugged your ears and walked ruthlessly, the calls, perhaps harassment, and even alerts about suicide attempts will try to get your attention.

We cannot bear that the other person wants to feel so much pain and thus let us know. We are not seeing that this is all an attempt at manipulation.

We are not able to bear the terrible feeling of guilt that comes to us if we ignore it, if we change our number or our home … We believe that we have no escape.

However, we do. Furthermore, if none of these messages reach us, we cannot feel guilty. Let’s not forget that we have come out of a toxic relationship, but that we have not yet nipped it in the bud.

Zero contact is very important


Here it is useless to say “we are going to remain as friends” or “I do not completely distance myself from that person because I have a lot of affection for him.”

At the moment in which there is some kind of manipulation in between that is hurting us, that prevents us from being able to part with that relationship permanently, we must put zero contact into practice.

Today it is very easy. It is enough to delete and block that person from how many networks we have. We can even change the number if that makes us too tedious.

However, we must keep in mind that we have to deal with guilt. We will feel guilty for disappearing from your life. We will feel bad for breaking up so abruptly with everything.

Inside of us, there is also a certain longing to maintain a certain contact with that person. But after a toxic relationship, with someone toxic, this is impossible.

If we answer that ringing call, if we can’t avoid it, if we can’t hit the block button, then what do we expect to happen?

We hope that the other person will change their attitude, that the circumstances will also changeā€¦ We hope the impossible and, meanwhile, we continue to perpetuate a situation that is in our hands to stop.

You can nip a toxic relationship in the bud. To do this, we have to face guilt and implement zero contact. The effort will be worth it.

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